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Mananai's feed

Mananai created a topic of Marriage of Convenience

Okay, many people saying that the people who disappointed with bianca's action is the one who is ignorant. They said that bianca was showing consideration because abuse victims often feels ashamed they got abused.
However, the reason why I am disappointed with bianca's action are; firstly she did not do anything even with her suspicion, and that is for years until she needs Lucy's help. Secondly, she has the power to ask/order people to make sure her suspicion was right or wrong. Third, she could discussed her suspicion (or after the suspicion is confirmed) with Yvonne or her husband.
There are many ways to help an abused victim without making them feeling bad, humiliated, or insecure. Staying silent is not always the answer, especially if the victim is someone who are close to you.
The reason people blame bianca is because she ignore her suspicion of the abuse for years until she needs lucy, thus she remember and try to help her. If she doesn't needs lucy, then we don't know when will she remember her suspicion about Lucy's condition.
I don't want to be hero, I just don't like when people turn blind to a possible abuse. If I could choose, I would choose to help them even if they hate me for that rather than letting them get hurt continuously for years because I dont want to hurt their feelings.
You need to remember that an audience to a crime or a possible crime who shut their mouth because they are afraid is also gulty of that crime.
Pardon my English, and I'm sorry if I sound rude.