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Started reading this last night and already to the end it’s so freaking good

Blu3st4r created a topic of Nerd Project

I love both of these characters so much I don’t want it to be the end of the season

Blu3st4r created a topic of Shangri La no Tori

I’ve been waiting so long for a update on this thank you so much

Blu3st4r created a topic of Backlight

This is insane it took so much for us to finally get here I wish it was being done under better circumstances but that okay we will get there

Blu3st4r created a topic of Nerd Project


Blu3st4r created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

I took a break from this to have more chapters and it was only like 3 I been gone for a month and only 3 chaps im sick to my stomach this was so good tho omg the progress I’m living

Blu3st4r created a topic of Nerd Project

Yesss Andrew ate that for me he doesn't even remember who tf he is lmaoo you let Andrew being a kid who was better then you get you so fucked up inside that you now have hate for him and attempted to be better then him because of it??? Yet still failed? Insane literally fucking insane.

Blu3st4r created a topic of Backlight

That is sick of him to do why would he do that he has no right to be jealous about anything

Blu3st4r created a topic of Backlight

That’s why he was so hurt over him being his manager and why the white hired guy was being so nosey when they met up they both like the Manager

Blu3st4r created a topic of Nerd Project

The feeling just keep coming out ahhhhhh the tension is insane they don’t even have to do it just the way they talk,look,and kiss each other is insane already this is so good.

Blu3st4r created a topic of Backlight

I was mad at him but it seems he just misunderstood WHY IS HE SO FINE OH MY GOD DJJDKDKDKE

Blu3st4r created a topic of Nerd Project
Blu3st4r created a topic of Even If You Don't Love Me

I want to start reading this now I stopped somewhere in season 2 because genuinely couldn’t take the rape is the story any good now??? Pls somebody respond it’s so dry on here I need something good to read

Blu3st4r created a topic of No Reason

Literally got to chap 17 and gave up skipped to the end and so glad i didn’t waste my time what a fucking mess like wtf is this a sad excuse and attempt at a rape love story???? Fuck out of here things like this should never be allowed to be mad what a waste of good art

Blu3st4r created a topic of Backlight

Yall do realize he said he was having that dream and then they were in that moment he was super ruff and weird acting as if he was trying to act out said dream until he was punched …. I knew he was weird but dude wtf yea your first love left you but we still don’t know his reasonings yet it’s obviously major.

Blu3st4r created a topic of Dear Benjamin

To this day I’m still so hurt that this won’t be returning the author is a terrible person but I still miss this it was heating up .

Blu3st4r created a topic of Semantic Error

I didn’t even realize this ended been reading since the beginning and decided to take a break and guess I forgot about it but what an amazing ending finally they are together gonna miss this one.

Blu3st4r created a topic of Payback

Totally didnt know he didnt know that it was him from 5 years ago i coukd have sworn they both found out at the same time what

Blu3st4r created a topic of Cry Me a River

The look on his face when he turned around I’m losing my mind