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Taejii October 10, 2019 6:16 pm

I think that shota and loli should be illegal like it’s basically child porn so who ever owns it or produces it should be charged if anyone willing debate respectfully I’ll try to respond quickly

    Loona October 10, 2019 6:36 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Nekoszowa

    true, if you noticed they never comfirm the age of ''the child''
    and believe me, the ones who are really children envolved are not in this site and are on real hentai/porn ones because yeah its sexual and in my opinion not enjoyable so people dont uploaded on manga sites

    Loona October 10, 2019 7:40 pm

    i once left a comment a little extreme on porpuse to see people explode and read some diverse opinions on this. You should take a look and see other opinions. Just remember, nothing will change with your opinion so yeah dont get mad

    Mah Jongg October 10, 2019 8:23 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Maya

    There's a fault in your argument. Slasher and gore movies don't contain real people getting mutilated and killed, it's all SFX. The same as loli and shota manga don't portray real people. There are videos of real people getting mutilated and killed and they are illegal, just as porn using actual children is illegal. Porn with adults over 18 acting like teens is usually legal. It's not an uncommon fantasy (either the adult or the underage role) which is why it exists. It's usually harmless.

    That said, my opinions is I think too much violent slasher movies and fantasy underage porn isn't good because watching or reading that too much numbs people to it so it becomes less shocking to them when it happens in rl. Those who would commit a crime already had it in their psychological type to do it anyway.

    That One Autistic Kid October 10, 2019 10:04 pm

    Yo, imma about to go sicko mode on this debate topic AGAIN (there’s way too many people trying to start shit and I, being the professional retard I am, like to join in) Albeit shota/lolicon does fetishize children in some cases, all of you guys saying that it’s repulsive never seem to really mention how other people do the same thing with different topics. There are MANY works that fetishize gay men, and a lot of you guys live for that shit. A commonly used example would be rape in yaoi. I’ve seen some pretty thirsty comments about a dude being fucked and hurt without his consent. BUT THAT’S OK! It’s alright if you enjoy these kind of things. As long as you understand the VERY definite and clear line between fiction and reality, then it’s fine to read it . What’s not ok is lashing at people who enjoy this specific genre and degenerating them. Not all people who read underage porn are predators that want to molest a child, just like how not all people who read stuff like BDSM want to engage in that activity for themselves. TLDR: READING OR LIKING A CERTAIN TOPIC DOES NOT DEFINE WHO YOU ARE AS A PERSON

    Taejii October 10, 2019 10:26 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Maya


    Taejii October 10, 2019 10:30 pm

    Whew Chile so i leave for like two hours and this happens to all of this have to say is if y’all are okay with this you’re literally a threat to society and should be locked up this includes those that like rape as well to those in my replies that support it you’re disgusting

    Taejii October 10, 2019 10:30 pm
    Whew Chile so i leave for like two hours and this happens to all of this have to say is if y’all are okay with this you’re literally a threat to society and should be locked up this includes those that like... Taejii

    I tried to have a civil conversation but y’all are gross expect some of you

    Blackie October 10, 2019 10:32 pm

    Well, it is child porn, but if somebody can’t control their desires and they try to control themselves, it’s a better choice compared to watching actual child porn, because no real children are harmed the very least. I think if people are rational enough to understand *hey, it’s porn, its main purpose to satisfy sexual fantasies, it’s not realistic, it should stay in the realm of fantasy and that’s all*, then I don’t see a problem with reading such fictions. Same with rape in yaoi
    + kinda off topic but I was attacked and personally harassed because of that statement, and accused of shaming people for their kinks.

    Blackie October 10, 2019 10:37 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Nekoszowa

    Wow, so civilized

    aiko October 10, 2019 10:37 pm

    this is lowkey unrelated but i was on my hentai site u know all good and i was reading loli shit and then that night i couldnt sleep bc i thought the police would come and get me lmaoo

    aiko October 10, 2019 10:42 pm
    Yo, imma about to go sicko mode on this debate topic AGAIN (there’s way too many people trying to start shit and I, being the professional retard I am, like to join in) Albeit shota/lolicon does fetishize chi... That One Autistic Kid


    Taejii October 10, 2019 10:43 pm
    Well, it is child porn, but if somebody can’t control their desires and they try to control themselves, it’s a better choice compared to watching actual child porn, because no real children are harmed the v... Blackie

    Well there’s been studies and looking at the fake thing will make then want more until they get the real thing

    Blackie October 10, 2019 10:43 pm
    Yo, imma about to go sicko mode on this debate topic AGAIN (there’s way too many people trying to start shit and I, being the professional retard I am, like to join in) Albeit shota/lolicon does fetishize chi... That One Autistic Kid

    While i agree with you up to a point, but I find it kinda irrelevant to what Taejii said. Just because they think child porn in fictional mangas is bad, doesn’t mean they don’t care about rape in yaoi or enjoy them. There are many similar cases of hypocrisy and hypocrisy in general. This time, they decided to talk about child porn
    About the rest, I think it really depends on the person. There are people who will attack and personally harass you if you tell them *yaoi represents an unrealistic portrayal of rape and you should be able to understand that, then I wouldn’t have any problems with people who enjoy these stuff*
    Yeah, that actually happened
    I don’t necessarily blame it on the fiction, they didn’t cause people to become rapists, however they did make SOME of them dumber

    Taejii October 10, 2019 10:44 pm
    this is lowkey unrelated but i was on my hentai site u know all good and i was reading loli shit and then that night i couldnt sleep bc i thought the police would come and get me lmaoo aiko

    Don’t support that you did that but that’s a lil funny

    aiko October 10, 2019 10:45 pm
    Well there’s been studies and looking at the fake thing will make then want more until they get the real thing Taejii

    unless you can pull them up and did some extensive research on whether thats a reliable source you cant say shit like that.

    Blackie October 10, 2019 10:46 pm
    Well there’s been studies and looking at the fake thing will make then want more until they get the real thing Taejii

    In my opinion, the opposite could happen more often. Fictional porn is the best choice for people with sick fantasies and kinks in my opinion, because they find a way to NOT suppress their sexual needs and frustration and if they don’t, they could actually become dangerous and their only choice would be to target actual people

    Blackie October 10, 2019 10:59 pm

    There’s no good choice here in my opinion. It’s just bad and worse
    It’s a fact that a lot of people get affected by fiction greatly, but also suppressing your sick sexual fantasies could end up hurting an actual person.
    I think a lot of the problems would’ve been solved if people were more rational (not just in this case particularly, any other similar case) emotions and emotional attachment to something could cause you to be blind about the reality of things and that’s what that really makes it dangerous, not the fiction itself. And people need to learn to separate fiction and reality. Although my statement may sound a bit dramatic, but i’m talking about other and more serious cases as well
    Something like attachment to religion. Some people so emotionally attached to religion that they do anything to justify their religion even if they know it’s wrong
    Then again, I don’t think the problem is simply just reading these fictions
    You may argue that there aren’t any people that dumb, but there are and i’ve been personally harassed by some of these fujoshis. Although, there are people who are rational and do realize that it’s just fiction and nothing more than that, I don’t have a problem with them

    aiko October 10, 2019 11:02 pm
    Whew Chile so i leave for like two hours and this happens to all of this have to say is if y’all are okay with this you’re literally a threat to society and should be locked up this includes those that like... Taejii

    when u do the most lmao!!! u actually need to calm the fuck down. like there is no way u go on this site without being a pervert, legit on ur homepage u have mad yaoi shit!!! thats fetishizing gay people, but are you a threat to them, do you want to grow a dick and join in?! do u want to peep on men while they at it?!! or do u just like the genre?!?!?! same think for shota and loli.

    aiko October 10, 2019 11:04 pm
    Well there’s been studies and looking at the fake thing will make then want more until they get the real thing Taejii

    ok then pull it up. is the source reliable, have you checked?, how can they conduct and experiment like that? thats like saying most sexual assaulters watch porn. should porn be banned no! are there a fuck ton of people who watch porn who can control them selves? yessss! i mean look at u, u read porn are u raping bitches?!?!?

    aiko October 10, 2019 11:07 pm
    In my opinion, the opposite could happen more often. Fictional porn is the best choice for people with sick fantasies and kinks in my opinion, because they find a way to NOT suppress their sexual needs and frus... Blackie


    Taejii October 11, 2019 12:21 am
    when u do the most lmao!!! u actually need to calm the fuck down. like there is no way u go on this site without being a pervert, legit on ur homepage u have mad yaoi shit!!! thats fetishizing gay people, but a... aiko

    You right you right I do but I know my limits I get fetishized too as a bi woman I can’t believe your using adults to compare to that disgusting shït

    Taejii October 11, 2019 12:22 am

    Any way Maybe I should delete my comment now I know how some of you feel about this It’s kinda getting out of hand

    aiko October 11, 2019 3:33 am
    You right you right I do but I know my limits I get fetishized too as a bi woman I can’t believe your using adults to compare to that disgusting shït Taejii

    i feel like there is a difference in between fetishizing gay people tho bc it is like normal to be in love with the same gender and pedophilia is a little very not acceptable. i feel like saying its on some disgusting shit is just ur opinion and ur just violating bitches bc u know ur deadass wrong, like high key mind ur own fucking buissness we lolicons did not ask uuuu. are antifujoshis constantly on ur dick?!?!?

    Blackie October 11, 2019 6:30 am
    You right you right I do but I know my limits I get fetishized too as a bi woman I can’t believe your using adults to compare to that disgusting shït Taejii

    Just because raping a child is worse, doesn’t mean raping an adult isn’t bad and that’s a problem. Both actions are disgusting. So I don’t really agree with you here. If you can enjoy something in fiction which would be disgusting in reality, others can do it too

    Taejii October 11, 2019 10:21 am
    i feel like there is a difference in between fetishizing gay people tho bc it is like normal to be in love with the same gender and pedophilia is a little very not acceptable. i feel like saying its on some dis... aiko

    You’re right it’s my fucking opinion I never said they were facts no one asked you to reply to my comment so don’t you use that against me

    Taejii October 11, 2019 10:22 am
    Just because raping a child is worse, doesn’t mean raping an adult isn’t bad and that’s a problem. Both actions are disgusting. So I don’t really agree with you here. If you can enjoy something in ficti... Blackie

    Oh no that’s not what I wanted to say what I meant is that she tried to use two consenting adults to compare to that you’re right both are disgusting I wasn’t trying to degrade anyone here

    aiko October 11, 2019 1:18 pm
    You’re right it’s my fucking opinion I never said they were facts no one asked you to reply to my comment so don’t you use that against me Taejii

    BUT YOU ARE ASKING PEOPLE TO RESPOND ATTENTION WHORE!!!!!! why are u acting like a victim!??!! like talking about bi problems I am legit the gayest icon at my school!!!! but ur like oh i know hoe fetishizing feels, and like these lolis are fictional why are u standing up for people who dont even exsist?!?!?!

    Taejii October 11, 2019 2:01 pm
    BUT YOU ARE ASKING PEOPLE TO RESPOND ATTENTION WHORE!!!!!! why are u acting like a victim!??!! like talking about bi problems I am legit the gayest icon at my school!!!! but ur like oh i know hoe fetishizing fe... aiko

    Honey you chose to respond and I’m not acting like the victim you’re right I started this ...and why add that part about being a gay icon who gives a fùck I’m just sharing my thoughts and hoping people wouldn’t be disrespectful about it but here we are

    Taejii October 11, 2019 2:02 pm
    BUT YOU ARE ASKING PEOPLE TO RESPOND ATTENTION WHORE!!!!!! why are u acting like a victim!??!! like talking about bi problems I am legit the gayest icon at my school!!!! but ur like oh i know hoe fetishizing fe... aiko

    Btw insulting me isn’t going to make you win

    Taejii October 11, 2019 2:03 pm

    This conversation is over

    its ya boiiiiiii October 11, 2019 11:18 pm

    its just that ur calling people who arent actually harming anyone disgusting without any plausible evidence

    its ya boiiiiiii October 11, 2019 11:20 pm

    i feel like both sides are in the fault but calling people gross out of nowhere isnt an actual argument. u brought up this statistic about people who like shota/loli tend to act on those issues. if u were to pull them up them maybe other people could argue in a CIVILIZED matter

    its ya boiiiiiii October 12, 2019 1:00 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Maya

    i know not all people were saying that and there were people for lilis that were aggressive. i just feel like when someone uses the exact quote "disgusting shit" instead of stating an actual argument like you did then its a problem. Also not all lolis are underaged!!

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