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Cloverfr created a topic of I Ship My Rival x Me

Thank you so much, it was lovely reading this, with all of you.

Cloverfr created a topic of Sign
Cloverfr created a topic of One Summer Day

I can't belive this is from the same author as Sign :(
I would not mind this THAT much if the design of the bottom were different, in Sign bottom was cute, but looked like a young adult at least.
dropping this, I give up.

Cloverfr created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Their dynamic reminds me so much of Shen Yuan and Binghe! I love them!

I really loved the prequel, I wish we could see Nakamura grow, have some friends on his own and become more confident.
The teacher was so nice and fine in the prequel, he hasn't done anything terrible here, but it gives creep vibes, it could have work out fine if Hirose realizes he has a crush on the teach and from then on, build a relationship with Nakamura.
I still hope for the best, the artsyle it's so gorgeous, I hope it gets better.