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MaruMaru's experience ( All 0 )

MaruMaru's answer ( All 5 )

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If there's even more to that, I'm shocked like yk, how much more worse can it get? YES it sounds like he's cheating. Also, reach out to the girl that's commenting heart eyes on his posts too, maybe she doesn't know abt you or sumn??? She might spill the beans on their relationship.   3 reply
06 01,2024
Hi there! I’m not ace, but I have quite a few ace friends. As well as suspecting I was ace, and being a part of the LGBTQ+ myself. Yes, what you’re describing could be considered asexuality, but the ace spectrum huge. And although we can help, it’s ultimately YOU who gets to choose what labels you use. Use whatever labels you feel comfortable......   1 reply
19 05,2021
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15 02,2021
would you be surprised if I said "yes, I know that?"   reply
15 02,2021
about question
Hi! I used to use Ibis Paint X but I’m afraid trying to help with just explaining would be difficult and trying to picture the situation from your explanation is hard, so do you have discord? If so, could you give me your discord? I think it’s easier to show rather than tell.   reply
04 02,2021
okok so Fujoshi: I think it directly translates to “dirty girl” or “rotten girl”, used to refer to female yaoi fans. Seme: Yaoi term. The top in the relationship (he’s the one that gets to put his meat stick in), usually dominant but that’s not always the case, he’s also usually more...masculine, (yeah, not a fan of the stereotypes,......   reply
18 01,2021

MaruMaru's question ( All 0 )