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I’m glad he gave in easily I thought it’d take another 20 chapters

VRH created a topic of Inukei no Kareshi

Does anyone have bl recommendations that has a character the same size as the dog man cause WHEW

VRH created a topic of Sunshine Shower

Their chins are so sharp it’s distracting

VRH created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

I’m confused if we just had a scan group upload a couple days ago why tf would you decide to then upload your machine translated watermark filled chapter? What’s going on lol

“I’m the biggest victim of her sexual harassment “ Leo please she’s nuts

VRH created a topic of In the Doghouse

I’m loving this story so far! great art style,intresting smut ,the fl isn’t isekaied so this is actually her first and only life, and the goofiness thrown into the mix, I’m here for it . Also the ml reminds me of the ml from I’m Cinderellas step mother or whatever (I forgot the title) in the way that they’re sweet to the fl but very but off putting to everyone else and coincidentally they both broke the legs of a man that caused the fl harm lmao

VRH created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

A 3 hr argument is so unserious lmaooa and why did that man have a pregnancy test ready at his restaurant gtfffff

VRH created a topic of Gig of the Day

He’s genuinely a stoic, cold and selfish person so I think whatever jealousy (if it’s even that) he’s feeling is just gonna cause him to treat the mc even rougher/meaner than change his ways and be more affectionate. He’s just using him for sex and slight entertainment anyway :////

Her mother was so beautiful and kind, it’s crazy how her dad most likely forced himself onto her mom , got her pregnant, took her child away from her then have the audacity to act as if she chose to be half peasant like wtf

VRH created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

He did the author draw his nose in a different art style in that one panel omg

VRH created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

So not only did he take that man’s entire face but he’s also wearing a track suit with the damn cape he’s sooooo

VRH created a topic of I Will Change The Genre

She called luka a malfunctioning otaku lmao

VRH created a topic of When the Killer Falls in Love

I can’t tell if the translators got the song lyrics wrong on accident or if the author intended it

VRH created a topic of Work Love Balance

Him being American explains him being open being fruity lmao

VRH created a topic of A Fortune-Telling Princess

So the chandler falls on her but before she dies she sees “herself “ as a ghost looking her and smirking but the ghost her is wearing the outfit she wakes up in as the story girl. How does that make sense cause the ghost does look like her but wasn’t even dead yet so I’m confused