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oh là là June 11, 2024 4:18 am

(chapter 10 so far)
So….. exiled prince’s doing this because her father snubbed him, right? Her father snubbed him because —he’s a selfish greedy shallow human being who views his daughters as assets— power dynamic resides with queen and the other prince right?

Exiled prince seems amused by FL’s naivety + trying to ruin it for her father, queen, other prince so far, but not in a way that would break her (her own father already did that).

Needless to say, this obviously isn’t your sweet fluffy altruistic love story.

Other examples of non-(sweet fluffy altruistic love story) :
- Failed To Abandon The Villain
- The men who come to my bed

Words of encouragement amidst sea of haters to anyone involved with translating / uploading / author:
Am (hoping for / looking forward to) a cleverly constructed turning point/unfolding twist.

If you think about human nature…. Am guessing igniting her sexual curiosity will make her feel as though it fills the emptiness she’s always felt from lack of social interaction/warmth/love (her father’s conditioning).

Everybody who gets close to her are snuffed out, so when this exiled prince proves otherwise; won’t be killed straightforwardly/easily due to political circumstances, strong enough to survive ploys (I imagine he’ll be smug about it + smirk as he reassures her with that superficial/player’s charm, “I won’t die”).

I’m guessing she will view him with newfound hope, as the one and only person she can be close to (bc he won’t get snuffed out) thus becoming very dependent & attached to him akin to animal imprinting? (Hmmm.. Maybe that’s how he’ll fall for her.. if she’s portrayed as this amusing curious naive straightforward endearing hatchling with no sense of danger, following/believing everything he says with twinkling innocent eyes)

As the lesser evil, he’ll steal/free her from her greedy father, overthrow queen / other prince, take the throne.. but how exactly will she live as queen? Depth or shallow? I won’t know until her character develops

Am guessing the effects of orgasms will feel like a potent drug to her due to limitations of “allowed” activities in her life that would induce “reward” hormones (i.e serotonin, dopamine, endorphins, oxytocin). I mean, if she was allowed horse riding, exercise, painting, music, pet animals… would the introduction of sexual pleasures still be as addictive to her? Reckon she’d have at least some resistance then, as opposed to when she’d been completely starved of affection (aside from 1 maid, and sister—both dead).

People who’ve read raws / novel / ahead, how far off am I? lol

Am VERY CURIOUS how all of this will unfold, also her character development:
(1) at which point will he fall for her?
—(a) what would've been the decisive factor?

(2) will he admit/confess at some point having had manipulative intentions?
—(a) how introspective/guilty will he be?
—(b) will he redeem himself? how would he redeem himself?

(3) how will she develop as a person?
—(a) will she mature as a person?
—(b) or will she become bold / quirky / wilful instead, due to unusual circumstances?

The introductory setup seems bit similar to Savage Castle’s but character development will probably branch out differently. Hmmmmmmmmm will be boring if she’s simply immature or simply matures over time though.

I vote for, “acceptable eccentric quirky mix due to unusual circumstances”. Unleash 300% at first taste of freedom because she’s been caged all her life; go completely wild (but not vile), unconventional, free spirit. If ultimately no harm was done—after her character development / realisation—I’d like to see her playfully punish (tease/smut/whatever) him for the trickery + manipulative intentions he harboured at one point.

The simplest solution to save the story would be to introduce a different ML.

* We shall see if this comment ages terribly *

oh là là March 25, 2024 3:34 am

lol find Priest Ernell really attractive because of that seductive/dangerous charm; also because he has powers akin to magic + seemingly an overpowered, competent, and astute/intuitive character......

some of the panels seem to suggest he reads minds or something (i.e when he simply looked at the dark magicians and knew it wasn't them. When Lewellyn was thinking of getting out and sleeping with some random person, he suggested it'd be better to spend the night with him. When Lewellyn was comparing Almon to Ernell during foreplay and Ernell "teasingly/mischievously/shrewdly" asked what was she thinking of)

...Like the sort of person almost impossible to trick/trap/deceive.

lol hot genius ( ° ʖ °)

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