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ashketchupmahballs June 2, 2024 7:43 pm

Get it together man and be more direct and communicative Ian is out here being disorganised and you're so avoidant. Jo is sweet in his words and affection but is getting more toxic in his possessiveness. They're all getting in each other's way. TJ gave in and told Ian that it's fine to leave even though he really wants him by his side, wanting what's best for Ian even if it means they won't be together for a while which I think Ian in some way thought they were not together anymore in that way. Ian is low-key not wanting to go because of TJ and honestly if he used to do drugs and had a certain lifestyle I'm pretty sure he's on edge and is missing the lifestyle he had however he's been gone for too long and is TJs weakness. And also explains his vices and sexual urges, always wanting a fox and being restless. Jo being involved with Ian is just not going to end well for him. He's In his late 20s wanting to go to art school and his cousin will make it hard as well. Ian and TJ end game. I can't see any other way. I hope TJ realises what he's been doing all of it for and be more communicative and considerate of Ian emotionally AND THAT HE DOESNT DIE. If TJ was capable of giving reassurance and clarity to Ian I think they would be ok. They both want to be together. They're both just torn by what they want and what they think they should want.

Even the latest chapters they can't be together because TJ is being targeted by everyone at this point and that one fucker from the 35 wants to get Ian to torture just to get to TJ. Like pick a struggle Ian. TJs out here trying to get you out safely while doing his best as a boss because it's his legacy now. What can Jo even provide for Ian? Just cuz he grew up hunting and has a revolver and maybe a breaking personality/psyche, in terms of gang stuff can he even protect his family and Ian or will Ian be left to be chained in the gang life once more because he might feel the need to help because it used to be his life? Damn it Ian. TJ don't die you also have that bitch on you now. A bond that transcends family and a lover is soulmates I guess. All three of y'all get your shit together this is so sad

    HRAensn June 2, 2024 8:55 pm

    Ian had left the moment TJ prioritized the gang world and wanted to stay there, and iirc it was also TJ that had Ian be in the dangerous world. Unless TJ develops and prioritizes Ian, I don’t think they’ll end up together.
    Ian has said he wants a normal life.

    “What can Jo even provide for Ian?”. Love and a life Ian wants. It’s not just because of the environment TJ and Ian couldn’t be together or progress in their relationship, it’s also because of themselves (lack of communication and coping through sex). So I do believe Jo can give Ian what he wants, but it’ll take time to get there. And the endgame will be revealed S3.

    Both of them are really stuck together because of their unresolved issues and they are each other’s only family, both grew up together and had each other only so its only natural that they form a codependent relationship.

    They have a very codependent relationship which isn’t healthy. And they have unresolved traumas. All of them are quite possessive of each other in a way. Jo is getting there too but of course that doesn’t make him a bad person unless he acts out something bad.

    HRAensn June 2, 2024 8:56 pm

    2) and regarding my first sentence, Ian didn’t want TJ to leave now because of guilt and anxiety, he doesn’t want to lose someone he’s spent nearly two decades of his life with, his family. He’s only met Jo recently so we don’t see much yet.

    HRAensn June 2, 2024 8:58 pm

    Sorry for bunch of replies;

    “in terms of gang stuff can Jo even protect his family and Ian or will Ian be left to be chained in the gang life once more because he might feel the need to help because it used to be his life”

    Nobody needs to be in a gang to be able to protect another person if that’s what you’re trying to say. Sure Jo is living a normal life, but it doesn’t exactly mean he can’t be capable of protecting. And I agree that Ian may be chained to the gang world if he and TJ don’t resolve their problems.

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