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Miex created a topic of Redeem: Only One Forever
Miex created a topic of Utsukushii Kare

As soon as I read "He was beautiful" I remembered immediately that I watched this on viki

Shes selling him out for a BTS ticket

Miex created a topic of Heartrate Presto

As soon as the "lawyer" appeared I knew exactly how this was gonna play

Miex created a topic of The King Of Snow

Purple hair
And ice powers

Miex created a topic of Silent Lover

Ain't no way this still uploading

Miex created a topic of Lucky Paradise

This had me hysterically laughing and crying

"it's look like the character is Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan."

Miex answered question about question
the other day i saw a tiktok talking about omegaverse knotting(basically the person thought the other person knotting knotting but they meant tieing a knot) if that wasnt a slick call out by my fyp then idk what is of course i had to repost LOL
Miex created a topic of Eternal Flight of the Gull

I noticed I think after I read like the rating that chapters were missing so I'll be putting the missing chapters in while doing the recents I really hate how the person uploaded this comic in the beginning smh

When I saw squelched I immediately thought of fwomp

Miex created a topic of Restless

I was 10 minutes late uploading 59 the chapter was long I'm glad the grandpa showed up for Yuji

Miex created a topic of Return to Player

Bro thought he'd be more powerful then it when will y'all learn

Miex created a topic of Once Again Idol

I love that we got to learn about them when they were trainees. Us readers are actually Chronos's Rings

Miex created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

There definitely going to cause trouble for Seth and Theo

The capybara black cat and the 2 squirrels at the end is an amazing comparison

Miex created a topic of Devil Returns To School Days

Damn teach put him in his place how many times did we see f*ck in ch32