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Gris answered question about mix chocolate and tea
I know how to draw

Forgot to say this, but if the SA turned out to be one of the MLs, I'm gonna immediately assume that the author wants to paint the other MLs in a bad light just so they can uplift the "main" love interest instead. I'm sorry, but even though if it turns out that the Duke is not the culprit, I'm still not gonna like him. The bar is so low for me to like him just because he did the bare minimum of not sexual assaulting someone.

"Did you enjoy your little escape" bitch get the fuck away from him. If someone talks to me that way, I'm killing myself. That's like, a bad sign of something worse in the future. If someone sees the way I avoid them as some sort of "escape" from them like a fucking criminal, I'm gone on this world. I'm not dealing with that.

Gris answered question about question
I initially thought of this more like an art thing so I was about to show my re-draw but uhm...

I don't care anymore, I'll just let Ignis be the absolutely disaster he is when it comes to Celestine (relatable). What a Bi icon. Also, SELENA PICK ME, CHOOSE ME, LOVE ME.

Gris answered question about question
I can't believe Dan is in his late 20s. Like, I initially thought he was 20 AT BEST and now he's not acting like an adult just because of Jay kyu young??? Wow. For me, Dan is a naive spineless teenager but Jay kyu young is just a fucking man child.
Gris answered question about question
I'm doing my best to stay alive in real life tbh, nothing new. And I end up here initially to read novels/stories but when I saw pretty pictures and dialogue, I just stayed because my brain likes it idk.
Gris created a topic of Our Sunny Days

OMG OMG OMG the SCREAM I had while I was reading this chapter. HELL YEAH GO TAKE THE INITIATIVE BABY

Gris answered question about first love
Gris answered question about question
The fact that everyone around me loves someone or in a relationship, meanwhile I'm here hanging around wondering when will I experience loving someone and being loved.
Gris answered question about question
The feeling itself is unhealthy and toxic. And if you act upon it, make choices from that feeling, then that makes you a bad person. Let's say if I want to gatekeep my friend, I would say "I'm jealous of you having another friend other than me. I have to meet these people first and evaluate whether or not you can hang out with them without my super......
Gris answered question about question
Gris answered question about question
It's just a screenshot of my character from a game, who's absolutely beautiful.
Gris shared experience about question
I like how the artist portayed crying and running out of breath at the same time. So beautiful.
Gris answered question about cooking

I don't like the Duke, or simply just this archetype of a character. "It doesn't matter how I treat him, the bottom line is he belongs to me" sound kinda icky to me to be honest but oh well. If you find it attractive, good for you, but I'm running away whenever I hear that shit. And why would he punish Maythan from "running away" when he's just doing everything in his life that doesn't involve him for once. Like, going to a school. To learn.

Edit: Omg whoever's reply that I accidentally deleted, I'm so sorry.

Gris answered question about stay up too late reading yaoi
Gris answered question about stay up too late reading yaoi
Emma from Veil! She's so beautiful, omg.