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fumozhe March 22, 2015 9:34 am

I'm hooked. The plot is good though it becomes annoying starting from the middle (vol.5 or vol.6 is the turning point). All because of the b***h lil' sister.
Agh, i know i shouldn't judge her. She has her own portion of misery n tragedy, falling for her blood-related brother n being used as a pawn. It's not a light matter; if i put myself in her shoes, i could sympathize with her completely. HOWEVER, that label tag of shonen-ai made me expect certain things, n i feel betrayed by how things turned out. It's going more towards shoujo than shonen-ai.

At the same time, as a 3rd person i can say i feel more sympathetic towards Cesare than that b***h. Again, i know a person's misery can't be compared to another's, only the person suffered knows the weight n sadness. But, trying to look at it fairly, Cesare's pain is much deeper than that b***h. Cesare deserves Chiaro much more than her! Chiaro is his ONLY salvation after Vanozza died, while Lucrezia (ok, i finally call her by name) practically can choose ANY man. ANY man who is kind enough to her will do; it just happened to be Chiaro who's interested in her n the second man (after Cesare) who showed kindness to her. Well, imagine if she received kindness from Alfonso first, i bet my whole fortune that she'd have fallen for Alfonso regardless of Alfonso's feeling towards Sancia.

Then, how about Chiaro? He's as guilty as the b***h. I don't mean that he should have sacrificed his feeling just for the sake of another, like some sort of a fool hero. But, talk about COMMITMENT. Who was the one promised he'd keep the demon in Cesare in check? He was given the choice to kill Cesare (which was Cesare's true wish to die back then) or keep him alive (against his wish). He selfishly let Cesare alive when Cesare DIDN'T even want to, n arrogantly took responsibility to keep him in check. That's what should be his priority instead of following his feelings n dropping all the responsibilities n promise he should uphold. If he couldn't do that, he shouldn't have arrogantly let Cesare alive back then. Again, it's not like one can't have any freedom to love or pursue his feeling, but remember the commitment one has chosen to do, especially after having done something selfishly.

After all that, what i HATE the most is Chiaro n Lucrezia's UNAWARENESS that they are the CAUSE that made Cesare the way he is now. The b***h felt sympathetic towards his poor brother (like someone on her high horse looking down on her pitiful brother engulfed in darkness, all high n mighty thinking she's on the right) without realizing she's the cause. Same goes for Chiaro, only worrying the growing darkness inside Cesare without ever admitting nor realizing he's the cause. Realize already that it's your betrayal causing this, for God's sake! Especially Lucrezia, she didn't have any awareness nor any shred of guilt, she still thinks she's the victim!!! Same goes for the other minor characters helping them reuniting, they all think Cesare in the wrong, they think they do justice, without knowing what Cesare had been through.

Well, sorry for my endless rambling here because i really feel frustrated. LOL. I cried a river looking at Cesare's current state, really. I just hope Cesare can have his salvation in the end, pls don't make him suffer anymore than this. I know it's labeled tragedy, but still.. sigh, pls end the man peacefully.

fumozhe March 8, 2015 7:19 am

Hi, folks.

I really wanna buy vol 8, the licensed one. However, the price is too much for me alone (just fyi, the price of printed manga in my country is only around usd 1.50! But, it's unlikely this manga will come to my country).

So, is it possible to pitch in the money usd 1.00/ person (via paypal) n then share the pdf version among those pitching in? That's just to be fair.
I wanna buy from sublimemanga, the price is usd 5.99, so I need 5 other fellow fujoshi to be my comrades-in-arms.

If it's not possible to share the pdf via e-mail, then i'm gonna share the account so u all could download the pdf/ access the online reader.
Btw, I'm also interested in buying all the previous volumes (starting from vol 8, 7, n so on), not only to support the author, but also because some latest scanlations aren't good enough. But, for now I'm gonna focus on buying vol 8, the continuation of the last chapter here (vol 8 starts from chapter 44).

So, anyone willing to cooperate? Pls leave your trace behind here n send your paypal e-mail to my mailbox; that is if u're really 100% sure u wanna pitching in n u have VERIFIED paypal n can send the money.

For now, this plan will open for max. 5 people, so that we can support the author usd 1.00 at the very least for each volume (not good if it's cheaper than that).
However, since I plan to buy all volumes, it's possible that I might add more fujoshi comrades if some ppl having joined can't afford them all.

Last but not least, I hope the kind ppl pitching in not sharing the manga on any manga reader sites because it's not scanlation, but legal copy which we don't actually work on it.

That's all the story. I'm gonna contact u soon once u leave the e-mail. (^o^)/

    fumozhe March 8, 2015 2:15 pm

    I forgot. For USD account only, so we won't need to pay currency conversion fee. And make sure u can send money as personal payment, not commercial payment pls. The fee will be on me. (▰˘◡˘▰)

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