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Kiorin-san created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Yeah... So now, we can all understand where he's coming from, why his actions were like that.. He was sexually abused by the teacher he look up to.. THAT'S WHY... Not only that... His own father wasn't even there for him when in fact, Cirrus needs him the most. He's the only family he got and yet he chose to bring home some wife to take care of his own child, pass that responsibility to others ... Yes, Cirrus needs his mom... His dad... But he needs some adult he could rely on especially from what he'd been through.... Honestly, Cirrus is almost a broken child, he was always alone, if it hadn't for Skyler being there for him, then we can all think where he'd still be until now??

I'm glad that the two of them could find comfort from each other. I mean, both of them had been through too, Skyler has some trauma... Two broken person could not be bad to be happy and enjoys each other's company.

I only hope these calm days of them would continue and no storm will appear to destroy that happy moment.