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Don'twanna April 8, 2021 6:28 pm

It's a collection of one shots and in the first story two people use the smoking room just so they can see each other. One of them even got into the habit of smoking just so they could keep seeing the other person.

Don'twanna November 24, 2020 8:01 pm

soul switching between a guy who wants to kill himself and a police officer(who's actually a serial killer)

Don'twanna December 3, 2019 3:39 pm

About a gay piano instructor and a single dad. The instructor is the dad's daughter's teacher. The daughter and the teacher's mom hang out a lot.
The teacher's long time ex had gotten married to a girl leaving him heartbroken....

Don'twanna November 21, 2019 10:43 pm

It's about a shy dude who's in love with an office worker. And they start dating but the shy dude thinks they're just having sex(without a relationship) cause they met up a lot at hotels and stuff until the other guy is like 'no, we were dating all along.' Also, I think the shy dude could look at the other guy's house from his house?

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