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If you leave me waiting up I'm not gonnalet that slide, it's one of the most disrespectful things you can do I would've told him to shut the fuck up from the very beginning

Titti24 created a topic of Within My Shadow

The consensual parts were so hot but then ml ruined it for me, I thought I found something for a sadist like me instead it's another boring and disgusting abusive relationship. Someone needs to introduce actual bdsm to authors because their minds would be blown! Instead it's always rape...

Titti24 answered question about question
I completely agree thank you for putting my feelings into writing!!!!! I always checked ratings before reading and I stopped recently because some of the worst trash will stil have a 9. rating just because the artstyle is good enough

I really like their dynamic and since seo an wanted to top I wish it'd get explored further

Titti24 created a topic of Please, Candy!

Why was the drugging necessary tho? What if he just asked to top and they decided to try like normal non abusive people would ? I don't get it....

Oh my god at this point it's a competition to who's the densest human on earth, I wish they would just talk!!!! Do people this stupid actually exist??? #-.-)

Titti24 answered question about talk to yourself
I like this one wayyy too much, idk why I just find it funny
Titti24 answered question about talk to yourself
I like this one wayyy too much, idk why I just find it funny