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TSUKKISAV created a topic of Love in Kitsch

Awe okay that was actually really sweet, when it started off how it did I expected something crazy but it was just sweet in the end. (I was kinda hoping for the 3-some tho )

TSUKKISAV created a topic of The Tyrant's Reign

This is soooo trash, the first 20 or so chapters were good but it started going down the weirdest route

Any recommendations for similar stories???

It’s so cool that she managed to hide her powers from even her own mum from such a young age

I relate to Jiwon sooo much, I also have extreme commitment issues and I feel like when I get into my 20s I’m going to end up living like how he did with the one night stands.

TSUKKISAV created a topic of Playtime with Hakdo

Can someone recommend good BLs where the couples switch roles?

They’re so funny got me kicking my feet and squealing

I don’t think about wanting to be in a relationship until I read something like this and it makes me want what the couple have so much

The way he devoured Jiwon’s ass in that one panel though

TSUKKISAV created a topic of An Inferior Relationship

Im done, why did he forgive him???

TSUKKISAV created a topic of Slammer Dogs

IM DEADDD the way he was just under the cover like “Uh guys I’m here too”

TSUKKISAV created a topic of Gig of the Day

Secretary looking foineeee as hell rn