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Big created a topic of Jinx

The sad thing as it was kinda cute. We all know he's gunna go back to been dick after this for a while probably and make Dan feel like shit.

Big created a topic of Kokou Kemono to Obaka Yankee

This was such a cute story!

Big created a topic of Monochrome Rumor

So when is the real drama gunna start like I wanted him to be with his body guard from his past life like wtf happened to that. Was I wrong to think that it was going towards that direction in the beginning?

Big created a topic of Kill My Love

Can't wait for the next chapter.

Big created a topic of Momentum

Every emotions I tried to swallow down cam back up. Every story the non happy endings the goodbyes the reconciliations, death it was beautiful. I can't imagen loving someone so much and then be gone. I wish Oscars ending was different but I get what it was suppose to be, but I really wanted them to happy.

Big created a topic of Free in Dreams

You know as much as he's reg flag so is she.
Y'all do remember how they met right?
But their young. You live and you learn.

Big created a topic of My Suha

Omg what if there's spin off?!? I wish their would be. I mean I know their probably won't be but I could wish.

Big created a topic of Darling for dessert

Is this worth reading....No.
Did it have cute parts...Yes.
It had potential but honestly it wasn't worth it like wtf dude that bastard should have gone to Jail!!! Not only is he psycho but he raped His fucking brother, and is responsible for basically getting the Ex hooked on drugs. And Seme never found out about it! There was no justice!!

Big created a topic of Monster and Ghost

Thank you so much for uploading!
I hope next Chp gets updated soon!!

Big created a topic of Love and Roll

That side profile lol He was super cute!
Thank you from uploading

Big created a topic of Love and Roll

Omg I need more chapter I'm dying to know what happens in this story!!

Big created a topic of Stay With Me

They better not have fucked when they both lived in the States or anything rape like situation. I know this fiction but come on their sibling for fucks sakes why does it have to be like that.

Big created a topic of Ni Jiu

Why are they so cruel to us wtf!!!! I'm dying without updates!!! I need to know! I need to see them happy! Why isn't been updated like it was!!! It finally got so good!!! Pls have mercy and give the good Chp!!

Big created a topic of No Arguing With Mr. Mo

Wait do they really not end up together?? Some one pls tell me because then what's the fucking point of this whole fucking story then. Wtf was I waiting for if they can't even end up together.

Big created a topic of The Man At Night

Did they sleep together?? Pls someone tell me

Big created a topic of Into the Rose Garden

I read the Novel and actually seen it with my eyes instead imagining it is really cool.

Big created a topic of Plum Candy Love

So cute hope we get more updates!

Omg Thank you for another updated!!! Can't wait for the next chapter!!!