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Zathara's experience ( All 0 )

Zathara's answer ( All 1 )

Basically many people have said many offensive things to me cause am black and the country that I live in is extremely racist so where ever I go they literally insult me for my color and my weight so it happens to my family in daily basis and it happened yesterday too but when they insult then try to be friendly with me am like boy bye   3 reply
24 07,2020

Zathara's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did going to concerts

- catfish and the bottlemen
- omar apollo
- txt (2x!!)

6 hours
want to do going to concerts

kiof world tour when…?! also i wanna see nmixx live once in my life soon as that happens i’ll die happily

16 hours
want to do applying edging to your life


1 days