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fallenangel7180 March 26, 2015 9:50 pm

The first manga I'm looking for is a guy (pretty much the uke) who gets bad headaches and when he gets headaches something bad is going to happen and I guess a childhood friend is temporally living with him (Which is the seme)and his mom. And I remember that almost at the end when he got is headache he yelled at him to go outside and there was someone trying to set his house on fire. Please help me find it!

    June March 26, 2015 11:31 pm

    I think it´s Renai Jikaku Shoujou last story (chap.6);)

fallenangel7180 March 22, 2015 3:21 am

The first manga I'm looking for is a guy (pretty much the uke) who gets headaches and when he gets headaches something bad is going to happen and I guess a friend is temporally living with him (Which is the seme) and the second one is where a popular group of guys in an all boys school in the chapters all of the people in the group is a couple except the leader of the group who has blond hair( which is s seme) and a guy which is an uke) and the ukes friend who always clings to him and goes out with girls from time to time later in the chapter it finds out that he actually likes him but its to late cause there together I will sum up a little the first chapter in the beginning the uke is walking near crowds and he spots a cute girl and then while he saw the blonde guy walk with her the he goes to this Christmas party at school(? ) his friend brought liquor and he got drunk and went to the bathroom where the blond guy was on there and kisses him and tells him if he can remember that to meet him somewhere a 7:00 where they will be fireworks. That's all I'm gonna say soo help me find them please!!

    Anonymous March 22, 2015 4:12 am

    Airyouran gakuen
    I think

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