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SunshineLight's feed

SunshineLight created a topic of Lucky Paradise

I'm gonna be so honest with you guys I'm absolutely living for these side stories it's so funny to me. Seeing Woojin nearly get his neck crushed because of a lover quarrels had me absolutely dying (him as well)

In all seriousness though I do like the side stories and I honestly think they're fine overall. Were they needed to be added for the overall story? Probably not, but they're nice none the less. I see a good amount of people being upset that Ho-In says he trusts Chunwoo but still acted the way he did when he "caught" Woojin and Chunwoo together in that compromising position. First off Chunwoo was trying to illicite that reaction out of Ho-In so I wasn't surprised when it actually happened, and secondly he can both trust Chunwoo and still be insecure as hell sometimes, did y'all forget how their relationship started? He was literally a replacement for Chunwoo's original love and the entire time he had no idea if/when he was going to get dumped. That isn't the best basis to have a relationship like theirs. Plus people can have conflicting feelings all at once, they don't have to be one or the other. A common occurrence of this is when, let's say a family member or friend, experienced something good in their life, you can feel happy for them but also jealous at the same time. They dont have to be completely separate emotions. They're basis for their relationship was relatively toxic so I'm honestly not surprised that some of that toxicity still seeps through, relationships, at least realistic ones, aren't always going to be clean and hunkydory now they're together. They're still young and got a lot of time to grow as people