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Okay I just finished Chapter 66 and had to get my thoughts out first before I continue reading-

I know Go Yahwi is most certainly going to be the male lead and I do not like it. Absolutely shitty dude. Is beyond emotionally constipated, dude cannot communicate for his life, gun to his head. This is Disney original movies level of miscommunication- scratch that it's WORSE than that because while Lim Jooin does try and talk Go Yahwi won't do JACK SHIT.

And Jesus Christ I'm not even joking and I'm being so serious when I say this to anyone who is reading this; if your partner/love interest's first reaction is to HIT you when they hear something they do not like. Run. Run if you can because that is absolutely not okay. No one's first reaction to something they don't like to hear should be violence. I do not care if Go Yahwi "did not mean it" that is absolutely not an okay thing to do. I don't give a rats ass that the dude had a rough childhood. While that explains why he's the way he is, doesn't fucking excuse any of his actions. You don't hit people, especially the people you supposedly LOVE.

Anyways I have more thoughts about the story but I will actually try and finish up to the most latest chapter before I go on that rant.