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SunshineLight's feed

SunshineLight created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I mean, yeah of course they're going to be pretty toxic in their relationship, their entire foundation of their relationship was built on toxicity. They weren't gonna become happy, cutesy, and completely normal after they got together. In fact then getting together only increases the toxicity. They both have underline trauma that they've gone through/are still going through. There's also the fact they're KIDS. LIKE THEY'RE TEENAGERS THEY'RE LITERAL CHILDREN OF COURSE THEY'RE NOT GOING TO GAVE THE MENTAL OR EMOTIONAL CAPACITY TO HANDLE THIS. I CAN GUARENTEE MOST ADULTS DON'T EITHER! All I'm saying is just give them some slack, they've both done wrong to each other but honestly they need to heal. Whether it's with each other or separately (preferably separately so they can learn how to love themselves before they can love someone else)