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Hopeless created a topic of Did It Work

Side-eyeing the family hard. How is it that the literal Gangsters seem to be better at hearing him out and supporting him than his own family?!

What's this one about, is it any good? Worth the read?

Hopeless created a topic of Full volume

Taeju really just violated everyone this chapter! What a menace!!!
Taeju: Honesty is the best policy!
Taeju's victims:

Hopeless created a topic of Secretary to Stage

Isn't MC low-key saving their debut, without him they're fucked! He got asked as a last minute replacement as a favour so why they acting like MC unfairly muscled his way in by using connections or something??????
Also a romance between MC and his unreasonable hater, do we have to? I did not get any organic romantic chemistry between them before hand and that kiss felt so forced and it came out of nowhere. Like that kiss literally just existed to signal that the character was even a love interest at all. Urgh and now he's potentially endgame because enemies to lovers. The dude, with his one-sided hate boner and unreasonableness, has not endeared himself enough to me for me to be chill with him as a love interest let alone ML especially when the CEO is right there and it's basically a mutual love (even if at different stages). That ship is light-hearted, comedic, playful, and great natural chemistry.

Hopeless created a topic of Did It Work

Does anyone know what it's called and where I can read it?

Hopeless created a topic of Full volume

Bruh that moment when the brothers realise they share the same taste in men

Hopeless created a topic of Former King

Summary, review, opinions? What is even the basic premise?