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panda123 created a topic of Secret Inside My Head

ughh the mc is so annoying, you are not a child

panda123 created a topic of Honey Trouble

well it looks like i’ll drop this, why do authors waste time drawing r@pe scenes??? you literally can do so much better for the actual plot but no, lets just force the uke -.-

panda123 created a topic of Finding Camellia

dude back tf up, she asked for space stop being all “she is mine” bs

panda123 created a topic of High Pulse

and then he is going to present as an omega and will break up with the ml -.-

panda123 created a topic of High Pulse

bruh he will definitely be an omega and then misunderstand and will think the ml will hate him for it -.-

bruh why would they make the princess fall in love with someone who looks like her brother xD

panda123 created a topic of K's secret

i reread this one again and i remember how much i want to read about the second couple more!!!!! i need more content

panda123 created a topic of Secret Lady

dont want children? then stop sleeping with your wife -.-

panda123 created a topic of Yeon Lok Heun

bruh she is a freaking general not some damsel in distress!!!!!!!!! why the emperor always saving her -.- you not weak girl

omg he thinks he likes him romantically but its just for his writing xD and same with the toy