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Figgy Pudding created a topic of 19 Days

I remember hearing about this when I was in fourth grade…I’m a senior now…How y’all in the fandom holding up cause I woulda gone crazy by now-

NO. STOP IT. I can’t handle angst I WILL fkn cry , someone tell me they’re gonna be okay??

Hey y’all, it’s updated to 4 in English in MyReadingManga- it’ll probably be updated here too pretty soon but until then that’s where you can find it. Same title.

LMFAO NOT the story I was expecting clicking on the title but OMFG is it amazing
I mean kickass artwork aside, the smut scenes, the backstories, the humor incorporated all within JUST 16 chapters? Fucking phenomenal- I’m a sucker for a porny slice of life but wow this takes the cake. Maybe I'm overhyping or perhaps I’m just excited to read smth other than heart wrenching, soul-crushing, will-leave-you-side-eyeing-some-rope angst, but I’m absolutely skipping on daisies rn. Brings me back to when I first discovered WEBTOON. I missed that feeling.

Aight well, she’s apparently gonna hide the fact that she’s his pseudo-sister-aunt and there’s only 15 chapters so imma wait a year and come back. Sure there will be a reveal by chap.67 or smth.