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Midi-Chan followed a list
Midi-Chan followed a list
Midi-Chan followed a list

shounen-ai ver.

- High 
(Rating:  3.5- 5)
May include heavy words and acts

- Mild 
(Rating: >2-3.4) 
May Include heavy words and threats but did not commit them 

- Low
May Include claiming words (you're mine) and jealousy
(Rating 1-2) 

Spicy level(how intense the seg scene is) 

Highly recommend

30 08,2023
Midi-Chan created a topic of Holmes of Kyoto

I love this story. I love the fact that there are mysteries without dead people. It's interesting it's good. But oh my God wtf the female is in HIGH SCHOOL. The characters are literally AT BEST 18 and 22. At worst she's younger than that. Which means it would be a literal crime to date her NOT TO MENTION THAT IT IS LITERALLY DISGUSTING REGARDLESS IF SHES UNDER 18 OR NOT. The mental age gap between being 22 and 18 is so large. To be fair It's one thing for her to take an interest in him. But for him to reciprocate.... very gross very creepy. BAD.