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Emy created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I can relate to their toxic relationship cuz I had one like this back in the day, and the author described it really well like we fight the second then make up right after and so on until it ate away at my mental health and I couldn't put up with it any longer, it's really hard being anxious all the time as u can't be sure about the other party's feelings at all

Emy created a topic of December

I'll tell my grandchildren to see the whole story for me, their ignorant grandma who knows no damn Korean

Idk why I get all smiles when two fictional male characters f*ck
I think it's a curse on us bl fans and I ain't even complaining

Emy created a topic of Backlight
Emy created a topic of Sweetie, Sweetie, Sweetie

Not a thing, you're only married

Emy created a topic of For You Who Grieves
Emy created a topic of Moonlight

The art in those panels are just perfect, It's just the first chapter and I'm already invested

Emy created a topic of Blaze Out
Emy created a topic of Sunshine Shower
Emy created a topic of 2020
Emy created a topic of Profundis

That was intense

Emy created a topic of 2020
Emy created a topic of Our Sunny Days
Emy created a topic of Solo For Two

I don't know why this thought popped up in my mind, but it'd be a great scenario if Karel thought Charles is Sasya's child and more misunderstandings arised ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Emy created a topic of The Most Ordinary Relationship

Well, there's no wonder their relationship lasted for 10 years

Emy created a topic of Please, Take Care of Kang Joo!

How can they draw the body perfectly but struggle with the face and eyes like this

Emy created a topic of Backlight

First time seeing someone whose ID photo is actually prettier than the real him lmao
My ID photo looks like it just came out of a horror movie

Emy created a topic of Restart My Heart