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BLobsessed April 7, 2020 4:58 am

So, this manga starts off with a playboy knight who gets with everyone, and another dude 1 (i forgot his role in the castle). The playboy knight got a chocolate from a witch that would turn him into a girl. However, the dude 1 ate it instead, and he ended up turning into a girl at night. To turn back, he has to recieve a mans cum. So the playboy knight 'helps' him and turns him back but every night the same thing happens. So he has to get the playboy knights help. When on his way, the dude 1 is almost raped, but knight comes saves him. And that is all i remember.

BLobsessed January 17, 2020 3:18 pm

I cant remember the actual plot itself but i can remember the start. It starts off with a (if i can acuratly) a red haired and white haired boy. They bang in this sort of run down hotel and do another round outside. But after they finish the round outside, another guy starts commenting who was watching the whole time. Please note some of the details MIGHT not be accurate as it was a long time ago.

Thank You! (• v • *+')

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What's It Like to Like Someone? 04-28 23:06

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