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there’s always gotta be some random thing to sabotage the fl :/

Cookie created a topic of hotaru no yomeiri

i know that i should probably feel bad for this guy but he’s honestly a dickwad with his whole ‘sword choice’ only when she broke down did he change his mind :/

oh my i was going to say ml was so puppy coded but perhaps he’s wolf coded (≧∀≦)

Cookie created a topic of I'll Save this Damn Family!

love when she makes it so obvious how cringe he’s being lmao

Cookie created a topic of TWO HEIRS

lmaooo i love this man he’s still protecting his girl right in front of him well also from his mum

Cookie created a topic of Red and Mad

what TT she got swallowed by the darkness that’s terrifying

ooo a little backstory from kanna’s side see what made her act that way

Cookie created a topic of Age of arrogance

i genuinely am starting to feel bad for the prince he keeps getting shot down even if it wasn’t intentionally

Cookie created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

kinda scared that the prince will misunderstand hes’s words and say something stupid

lmao i didn’t expect her to go through the riddle with them like they’re children but as long as those papers got signed im happy

this new guy is bold but also extremely goofy idk how to feel

ok yes while the ml is insane it’s so cute how sweet the fl and ml are to each other (*≧∀≦*) they’re constantly worried about each other like a real loving couple

Cookie created a topic of Unfinished Business

pretty sure blonde is ruining mc’s life based on a misunderstanding wouldn’t be surprised if he did

i totally love this duke being all lovely compared to the usual cold hearted ‘there’s no love in this contract marriage’ duke trope

Cookie created a topic of Shall We Bathe, Your Grace?

girly is truly worrying me with her trust in those pills TT for all we know those are probably causing the headaches

Cookie created a topic of Therapy Game Restart

man just when i was happy they made up major communication issues TT just talk about it please

if a higher standing is what you want princess then it’s guaranteed that sally can help you get there

the flashbacks remind me that FUCK THE PRINCE deserves absolutely no mercy and i hope his dick falls off

Cookie created a topic of Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun

i thought it was weird that the clock keepers went down easy when actually they planned for this happen… mostly planned