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Came for the smut, stayed for the- Oh who am I kidding this shit got me crying like a lil' bitch. What a roller coaster of emotions.

Ok. Ok. I just finished the main story. I binged through this entire thing. I LOVE IT. So. I love the main character. She's amazing, funny, and has a really refreshing personality. Felix was spectacular. It was new to see that kind of progression, it reminds me of Ken for Tokyo Ghoul. feel bad for Lerry. I really grew to like him as a character. And don't hate on me, but Benjamin made me squeal. Every. Single. Panel. Of him. I took so many screenshots of him... Benjamin is a piece of trash, but he was just so hot like. UGH... Anyways. I'd give this story 1000/5 stars if I could. It's not often I actually stick around for the end of a romance comic. Good work to the authors and artists etc.

When you come for the smut and stay for the really amazing story. So glad Yuha got her in the end. No one else deserved her honestly. Evie made a good choice letting the other guys go.

I really liked how it ended. I feel it could have done with maybe one more chapter, just to tie up the story and give us all proper closure. But other than that this was the best story I've read in a while. Usually I start reading these stories and get bored so I never finish it. Really really love this.

The younger brother is a little pissy bitch and I'm not into it.