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LorieBrie's experience ( All 0 )

LorieBrie's answer ( All 3 )

about question
I ate cat food at a grocery store and i didn't even pay that shit, i was 11 at the time but idk what made me decide to eat cat food, the only thing that I remeber is that the cat food had fun shapes so I decided to follow my intrusive thoughts wanting to eat it???? Bro idk it tasted like shit but it wasn't that bad   1 reply
31 03,2024
My advice is that you should be open minded or try to have a different perspective of things (and have critical mindset!!), because these days tik tok or yt short have some algorithm that adjustes based on what you watch. That means you'll only see videos that supports only your opinion, making you think you're opinion is right and the other's are ......   1 reply
30 07,2023
about crying
Mangago might be just some free manga site but O MY GAWDDD! The other sites were so fucking SHITTY! mangago is like the only free manga site that gives you a sense of community. Like, the people who make good ass lists and all that. I swear to god some other free manga sites will end up giving you some kind of shitty malware if you accidentally tap......   7 reply
16 03,2021

LorieBrie's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

want to do going to concerts


14 hours
did thank yaoi for existing

i literally read every day its bad

16 hours
did thank yaoi for existing

Thank you to who ever started!!!

18 hours