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mooslies created a topic of Fight Club

bro the uke’s faces when seme touches him & rails him is so good like brooo he looks so hot

mooslies created a topic of Fight Club

alsoo it looks like these were translated from a spanish version, anyone got access to those

mooslies created a topic of Fight Club

lmaooo shrek on the toilet was hilarious

ahhh theyre the cutest i love them so much, the communication, the whole pregnancy process, and aoiii

mooslies created a topic of Can't Think Straight

yup definitely one of my favorites, his development was done so well

mooslies created a topic of Thirst
mooslies created a topic of My Calypso
mooslies created a topic of 1 to 10
mooslies created a topic of Perfect Buddy
mooslies created a topic of Angel Buddy

girllllll taker’s crying face uggh gawdammn had my chest in pain

mooslies followed a list
27 03,2024
mooslies created a topic of Half of Me

anyone got a link to the novel i really wanna know whats gonna happen lol

mooslies created a topic of Predator Marriage

can someone give me the link to the LN plsss

mooslies created a topic of Backlight

okay okay okay, i had to go back just to like clarify what most of y’all are talking about lmao, someone pls confirm this lol
so the one that yeoungwoon saw kissing when they were in school, was that not seo-in? im assuming this is the case because of the mole placement right? like did he just misunderstood things?? and the one he actually saw kiss someone was the dead brother? thats what im gathering but maybe im wrong

mooslies created a topic of Backlight

im so confuseeddd what is happening, i know he had a brother but i didnt think he was a twin lmao

mooslies created a topic of Full volume