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sheeze created a topic of Who's Your Daddy?

It was even worse than reading it the first time. I don't know how he became captain but Aleksa is dumb. He concluded his baby's daddy is some John Doe just because of the hair color. Maybe start asking how he looks like or how does the carriage looks like to see the emblem of this guy's family? Dude's also been going on a reckless mission without back up or not even letting his subordinates know his plan cause maybe he felt great himself but he has been getting in danger since day one. If Aleksa isn't the protagonist, he might have been the victim of the killings. Crown Prince is crazy. Dude's been talking with his dick. I hate how the author made his sister mad at Aleksa for getting pregnant when they had a great relationship from the early chapters. I would expect her to be worried but nah they gave her a reaction that was out of her character. The only good thing this manhwa has is Sabrina.