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Hans created a topic of Mokdan's Fragrance

This had no reason being a bl

Hans created a topic of Jinx

Jinx comments section are always complaining

Hans created a topic of Backlight

Y’all … doesn’t the ml like the mc.. why is he treating him like one of his hoes

Hans created a topic of Backlight

I’m so annoyed Why do all the manhwa with greatt art have such shitt plott

Hans created a topic of Your Kiss Scene!

What the fuck is wrong with that ngg

Hans created a topic of Backlight

I don’t know when author be thinking when writing shii like this… it would’ve been so much better if he had a backbone and doesn’t let the blonde use him however he wants.. it would of been sm if the blonde was to chase over him

Hans created a topic of Backlight

Is he fucking stupid , just do your job. Why the hell would you ask him to use you?!.

Hans created a topic of Gig of the Day
Hans created a topic of Wet Sand

Yk i think I would prefer Ian to end up with neither atp, just for him to stick to his original plan and go far away from all of this.

Hans created a topic of Wet Sand
Hans created a topic of Jinx

the most hated manhwa character goes to

Hans created a topic of Wet Sand

The fact that Ian knows both guys feeling and still choses to play them both is crazy.

Hans created a topic of Wet Sand

Find Jo another love interest he doesn’t deserve this damn . He’s getting playeddd!!

Hans created a topic of Wet Sand

How are ppl team tj?!. Jo literally brings the best of ian gives him peace all Tj does is stress him out.

Hans created a topic of The Problematic Prince

I hate when i read something and the fl don’t be standing on business

Hans created a topic of The Problematic Prince

erna always forgiving him so fastt is so infuriating

Hans created a topic of The Problematic Prince

Feel so bad for my girl , she doesn’t deserve this. She would of been so much happier if she was with the red hair dude.

Hans created a topic of The Problematic Prince

I honestly struggled reading this , it was a pain. He’s such a terrible person and just sees the fl as a toy he can just sleep with.

Hans created a topic of Jinx

Can’t wait for jk downfall he needs to be badly humbled. I’m rooting for the “bad guys” idc