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Ru_Ria April 16, 2021 4:11 am

The commercial acting bit was kinda stupid and funny at the same time..
imagine facing reality and it’s actually just a commercial bit with the most exaggerated expressions..

Anyways, It looks like this boy is facing dissociative personality disorders, and his very detached to his own self that he can be anyone he acts. I am worried for his sanity. His more susceptible to hypnotize and creates fiction into reality.. Acting can be therapy or Destruction for him.

It’s darker than it looks.

It’s all fun and games until you’re actually the one in his shoes.

That would be how doctors may Diagnose you as... or something along the lines like this..

But the possibility that it is a reality for him and his facing something supernatural is unfortunately fortunate, can go either way for him..

Ru_Ria April 4, 2021 9:32 am

I can’t believe I’m gonna be so cliche but I feel like this one really took my innocence.

All of you reading this finds some guilty pleasure turning pages to find out how things would go down from this game.

I am terrified, excited and intrigued to be a part of this.

That psychopath stares at you like his actually looking at us and his getting off from being watched by thousands/millions of readers while he literally has bodies of victims play right into his game.

I feel like I committed a crime just by witnessing this kinky perversion into play, while I sit back and be entertained

I am just shooked (⊙…⊙ )

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