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covalence created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Guys I’m scared, is heejae just waiting for the best moment to get his revenge. The thought kept crossing my mind the entire time of how he was doing it all for revenge even while knowing his own feelings

covalence created a topic of In the Doghouse


dude I blinked for a second and suddenly they were going all out

Your head, use it. like girl if you even take a look at the facts you’d see that Adler was always going to be her finance and the prime suspect of her murder. A convenient way to get rid a nuisance (her first life) and an influential figure at the same time (the duke by placing blame on him) with the facts she’s been gathering it should be more than enough to show that Adler isn’t the culprit yet she always jumps back to that “oh no he’s the main suspect” which is starting to get annoying

I love the story but not how it’s getting structured , it all feels so fast and convenient

Absolute fucking bullshit wtf was that ending

I need duke lowe biblically and physically, he is so mf fine


covalence created a topic of Secret Inside My Head

AW HELL NAH, atp get together with the other guy

covalence created a topic of MADK

It’s so disturbing to the point that it’s beautifully written

covalence created a topic of Omega Complex

I preferred dohyun so much more compared to taegyeom tbh… like I get they’re child hood friends or whatever but the chemistry was just so much better

covalence created a topic of Jinx
covalence created a topic of Can't get Caught! XXX

it was alright I guess, it wasn’t horrible but I just wish the pacing was better

covalence created a topic of Jinx

so pink haired guy basically forced him on a date when he was clearly uncomfortable man if he’s not interested just leave him be

covalence created a topic of Revelation Of Youth

girl if you don’t stop with the stupidity istg, I’m gonna throw a Mf riot

covalence created a topic of Pure Love Operation

She’s being a friend to dohwa but he sees it as an Opening to be closer to her in the romantic sense which is starting so get so damn annoying

covalence created a topic of Inso's Law Webtoon

why does the male lead change every god damn day , the plot is also starting to get confusing and is being carried out for too god damn long