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retonansi April 2, 2015 1:18 am

helloo, is there a yaoi with plot story like this?
both seme and uke had a broken heart because of their unrequited love. they just make love casually to wave their pain away. everytime they made love is also painful for them, but they keep doing that anyway. and finnaly the gradually to love each other. any idea minna saan?? thanksss a bunch! xD

retonansi April 1, 2015 2:34 am

Hi, can't remember this manga. It is shounen ai with plot story a boy with antenna on his head that is able to do so many superpower like telekinesis, reading mind, transferring mind, teleportation, fly and all. But he really dont care about that and that's what makes the manga funny. Like one day he was too lazy to play dodgeball with all his mighty that he let himself lose to a determinated senpai. There was his name on the manga but I still can't remember :'( thanks minna-san :')

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