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Mastheto created a topic of Every Villain Is Lemons

Feel like I wasted so much time and energy on this. I'm amazed people liked this story, it was the same thing over and over for 50 chapters and for what -_- I don't understand anything. Maybe I'm too dumb!

Mastheto created a topic of The Color of the Night

I believe in a thing called love

Mastheto created a topic of Midnight Dweller

They really drew dan-ryeong really well in the latest chapter. His one eye shadow form was sooooo creepy ╥﹏╥

Mastheto created a topic of Shutline

But ig a good reason to reread

Mastheto created a topic of 7th Man

Translator you must be joking with this. The person he is searching for is named Kang Nara. Why would he be searching for someone but saying my country over and over?? A two second Google search of "what does Nara mean in Korean" would tell you it means country. Honestly!!! Did you even read the chapter, it's obvious from the content what is happening even with it being in Korean. He's obvs Searching for the door code in his pocket, there's about 20 ways that can be interpreted in a way that makes sense rather than just "looking for". Dont be afraid to go back and edit a previous translation once you realise the context of a scene. It's lazy mtl at this point.

Mastheto created a topic of Swapping

When he opened his eyes and the dude was right there... Ngl scared me shitless 0_o

Naked except for the lil half gloves.. never trust anyone who wears gloves to bed (shudder)

Mastheto created a topic of One step from hell

Probably for the 5th time and only noticed now Albert's name was originally Adolf lol. I guess that was just a translator error

But I just find it a bit odd there are so many characters with the same hair colour. Which is dumb because obviously that happens all the time irl. But just so many characters with such vibrant red hair, and they are all hanging out together in this latest chapter... I just find it somehow strange to see haha

Mastheto created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

When he made them land the plane...I don't know why but that's fkin hilarious to me. He legit was like um can you not and just put the plane on the ground lmao. Why am I like this

Mastheto created a topic of Dead man Switch

I'm gonna pass out rl

Mastheto created a topic of Check You Out

The exam..? You gonna um..go...? Oh ok..

Mastheto created a topic of Blaze Out

I ain't never seen an orchid like that but go off hun

Mastheto followed a list

shounen-ai ver.

- High 
(Rating:  3.5- 5)
May include heavy words and acts

- Mild 
(Rating: >2-3.4) 
May Include heavy words and threats but did not commit them 

- Low
May Include claiming words (you're mine) and jealousy
(Rating 1-2) 

Spicy level(how intense the seg scene is) 

Highly recommend

29 10,2023

Born as the eldest daughter, she was raised and educated only to become Queen. Even though she had e...

  • Author: 김랄라
  • Genres: Action / Adventure / Drama / Fantasy / Romance / Webtoons

Ljkemanga, get fucked. All these shitty half assed machine translation sites go suck a lemon honestly

Mastheto created a topic of Ghost Window

Dude tied to the chair (seated) is the same height as the bad guy.. how that work hmm? Lol

Mastheto created a topic of Royal Servant

I've reread this maybe 4 times and there's still so much I don't understand. Either I am too dumb and need things spelled out, or they were never explained. Who the hek is Edwin? Why was his aim Ryan? Why did they plant ppl in two different houses if Ryan was their main goal? Why did Ryan's sis work on developing a solution that could kill her own brother? And probably herself or even her parents if she was a half? What was Ryan's motivation for helping his sister develop it, was he just found of his sis or was there ”more” to his feelings? Why did his sis want him to get married to Cecilia? Why did Ryan not even attempt to make an antidote himself? Did he actually know another antidote and is that how he was able to save Lucaon? How come nearly every royal had a complete personality change during the story? So many plot holes.. feels like they kinda gave up on the plot and wanted it to end as quickly as possible..