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春香七海 February 23, 2020 9:17 pm

We all say like "Oh no, Chanbit just tell him the truth" But it must actually be really hard for Chanbit too, imagine working so hard in your life to achieve the fame and act in so many movies, and then there's someone blackmailing you into leaking your embarrassing photos worldwide, I think we would all do like Chanbit, the reason we are acting like this now is because we are not in his position, but if you were in his shoes and this was real, I can bet we'd take the same road as Chanbit, after all... It's whole world that's going to see your photos, I wouldn't take risk. There are so many ways to get a hold of those pictures and delete them

春香七海 January 9, 2020 11:59 am

But this Manhwa is over, this is the last real chapter right? Next one is just side story...
Anyways, how did he escape jail? Or was he just hallucinating

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