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Mimi June 1, 2024 8:29 am

A skipped a few chapters, who’s Min?

    Licht June 1, 2024 11:00 am

    I'm as confused as you are coz i marinated it for too long and i forgot which chapter i ended so i just started at the new season

    Geek Goddess June 1, 2024 3:15 pm

    It depends on which Min you're talking about. There's our MC, Min Joon and his cousin is Ha Min.

    Then you have Min Kangho, who is the boyfriend of Yang Hae and the cousin to Kang Doontaek.

    Mimi June 1, 2024 5:44 pm
    It depends on which Min you're talking about. There's our MC, Min Joon and his cousin is Ha Min. Then you have Min Kangho, who is the boyfriend of Yang Hae and the cousin to Kang Doontaek. Geek Goddess

    i meant the one with Kenta in this chapter. Ik that’s not the cousin, or Kangho so I got confused

    Mimi June 1, 2024 5:55 pm
    I'm as confused as you are coz i marinated it for too long and i forgot which chapter i ended so i just started at the new season Licht

    Same lol couldn’t remember where I stopped so I skimmed through the last half of s1 to remember it and just started from s2

    Nid June 2, 2024 12:59 am
    i meant the one with Kenta in this chapter. Ik that’s not the cousin, or Kangho so I got confused Mimi

    I think it’s the lawyer Min that Kenta is into ?? I think so but really it’s difficult keeping up with the characters in the manhwa !!

    Geek Goddess June 2, 2024 1:52 am
    i meant the one with Kenta in this chapter. Ik that’s not the cousin, or Kangho so I got confused Mimi

    The names and maybe who's related to who, I get; and a commenter below listed them for us so, that was a lotta help. But as far as matching those names to the respective face....that's a different story.

    I'm gonna be honest with you--and I'm not even trying to be funny--no matter what color the hair is or if they have on glasses/don't have glasses or what kinda clothes they wear, everybody looks like the same person to me, except Min Joon. Even Joon's mama and brothers are added into the mix. For some reason, everybody has the same face to me. Toma used to be added with Min Joon as one who I can distinguishfrom others, but now we have Dong and sometimes even those two look alike. LOL

    Kai June 2, 2024 8:57 am
    The names and maybe who's related to who, I get; and a commenter below listed them for us so, that was a lotta help. But as far as matching those names to the respective face....that's a different story. I'm go... Geek Goddess

    The artist has same face syndrome! Honestly, it's quite common in bl..

Mimi May 23, 2024 10:14 pm

I hâte the way yall talk about Ian as if he’s not also trying to find himself and figure out his own emotions in the mess of a world he’s grown up in he’s not hopping from one man to the next, he’s literally not dating any of them and can do wtv he wants to figure out his own feelings. Both Jo and TJ know what they’ve gotten themselves into and legit none of them judge Ian for hooking up with the both of them. Now that he’s choosing to kiss Jo, all yall are calling him a hoe like bfr

    velocity May 23, 2024 10:20 pm

    these people fr it’s not like ian is cheating on anybody

    Irene May 26, 2024 4:06 pm

    He is still being indecisive. Sure, he never promised anyone anything, but that doesn't mean his behavior will be entertaining to the viewers. He IS hopping from one man to the other knowing how both of these dudes have feelings for him.

    Mimi May 27, 2024 6:36 am
    He is still being indecisive. Sure, he never promised anyone anything, but that doesn't mean his behavior will be entertaining to the viewers. He IS hopping from one man to the other knowing how both of these d... Irene

    But it’s not mutual feelings (at least none that he recognizes yet). He’s clearly expressed he’s not in a closed relationship with either of them and is still sleeping around. If the continue to engage with him despite their own feelings, that’s their issue, they can decide to leave at any moment he’s not tying them down.

    Mimi May 27, 2024 6:38 am
    He is still being indecisive. Sure, he never promised anyone anything, but that doesn't mean his behavior will be entertaining to the viewers. He IS hopping from one man to the other knowing how both of these d... Irene

    And also it’s not being indecisive if he never promised to make a decision about one of them. He told Jo from the start it’s just hooking up. And with TJ, it’s always been hooking up/codependency issues but again, not an acc relationship.

    Irene May 27, 2024 6:41 am
    And also it’s not being indecisive if he never promised to make a decision about one of them. He told Jo from the start it’s just hooking up. And with TJ, it’s always been hooking up/codependency issues ... Mimi

    It's indecisive because this is a love triangle and we as an audience know he is going to end up with one of the dudes. It doesn't matter how much the author tries to sugar coat it, they are just making the MC hop from one dude to the other instead of deciding on one ML and focusing on him.

    Mimi May 28, 2024 1:55 am
    It's indecisive because this is a love triangle and we as an audience know he is going to end up with one of the dudes. It doesn't matter how much the author tries to sugar coat it, they are just making the MC ... Irene

    Not even the author is being indecisive that just how love triangles are. They’re keeping the back and forth to build tension, suspense, to create conflict and drama and keep the readers guessing… based on the events unfolding, it’s obviously building up to some climax soon.

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