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Lillie created a topic of Jujin-sama Heno Yomeiri

Not gonna lie it’s starting to get a weird how every time the “wolf form” is out it’s only to have sex. I thought the walk at night would’ve been nice and they would’ve gotten closer by doing something that “normal” for them but again it just led to sexual things outside. And The human side needs to get a grip already cause clearly his wife doesn’t give a fuck that he’s a beast man but he keeps being annoying about it and Insulting or making his wife sad. Sadly the story is doing a very bad job in showing him change at all but for some reason keeps upping the horny scene with the wolf side. (Since that side is way nicer but for some reason always horny even though they had sex but the “human side” is still a virgin??) At this point he seems more end game than the human side is, lol.