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Lillie created a topic of A Collar Only For You

People crying about age gab but a lot of nothing has been happening this is story. Mc is not even trying to stop the teen girl from messing with and getting beaten by lots of men.
Wish the mc just drops that girl and goes with the neighbor but I know that ain’t happening.

Lillie created a topic of LOVERS HELL

I don’t know if this was made by a man or not and personally I don’t care cause as long as the girls aren’t fucking men or are doing things for men then a gl story/art doesn’t need to be “pure”. But also why are Mf acting like women dont make degen shit too. Like stop acting like you know the gender of the person that make gl cause you never actually know. This artist also loves drawing feminine looking males and have them be bottoms to women. And also draws BL. Are they now a women to you just cause of that??

Lillie created a topic of Lavender in June

While the story is interesting and I’m gonna read till the end, Its sadly is 100% hetero. One of the tags are incorrect as always in this dumbass site. And the beginning of this story doesn’t help with that either since only the second half makes it clear that it’s het. Cause as a straight girl I can tell you I’m not telling my female friend that I would “date” them if they were a man, or that we would live together to old age or get very jealous and upset at other men that are interested in them. Like they act like they have feeling for each other that are more but the story only plays it out as friends. And let’s be real if a women acted like the way the girls do here to her male friend everyone would think she has a crush on them.

Lillie created a topic of Shine on You

It’s been so long! Thank you for the next chapters!!

Lillie created a topic of Bai Lijin Among Mortals

I really like this story and the characters a lot but holy does the censoring for kiss moment are annoying. Like to me it feel like it takes away some of the impact of the moment cause of this big white blog on a freaking peak or deep kiss scene.

Lillie created a topic of Health Homo

Dog, if this yaoi then why the fuck is this tagged “Shoujo Ai” ?? Is the person tagging this shit mentally rtarded?? ☠

Lillie created a topic of How to Draw an Eclipse

Not gonna lie, the story about Minsung pass is so much more interesting than the whole hacking thing they have showed us so far.

Lillie created a topic of Roommate Skinship

Shoujo Ai tag on a yaoi story bruh you mf rtards aren’t even trying. ☠☠

Lillie created a topic of Drizzling Night

Bro please tag this yuri. Shoujo Ai isn’t even the right term for yuri/gl works. And I’m honestly getting tire having to go through so much crap just because this place has a bad tag system.

Lillie created a topic of Beast Knights

Why isn’t this tag yuri like the rest of this artist work!! I can’t believe I was missing out on this story just because some butt face didn’t tag this shit correctly!!! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

Lillie created a topic of Please leave my house

The fact that this got discontinued and it's left on a cliffhanger depresses me.
。゜゜(´O`) ゜゜。

Yuni is such a wet blanket and sucks ass and the fact that Nanase still wants to be with her after she cheated blows my mind. And even said sorry like wtf, girl she cheated on you. Even if Nanase (who is still in the closet) did neglect her for her club that doesn’t give you the right to cheat on her and then blame her for it. Yuni should’ve just broken up with her instead of cheating if she wasn’t getting the attention she needed. Bitch wants to have her cake and eat it too. Smh