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15 photo
02 03,2021 created

idk just when i read something and felt my heart snap
120 photo
02 03,2021 created

94 photo
23 02,2021 created

7 photo
28 02,2021 created

275 photo
04 10,2020 created

63 photo
27 02,2021 created

212 photo
03 04,2021 created

58 photo
03 04,2021 created

39 photo
16 04,2021 created

109 photo
01 05,2021 created

i won’t be seeking out where the creator of these are (if they’re from a fanart), but if credits are stated where i find them, i’ll give them. Most of these i found from tiktok, pinterest, tumblr, etc.
94 photo
26 02,2021 created

169 photo
18 10,2020 created

30 photo
14 02,2021 created

144 photo
23 02,2021 created

a whole album dedicated to seto shinobu from seiheki strike because he’s so pretty ❦
30 photo
27 10,2020 created

21 photo
31 10,2020 created