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Ccirce June 25, 2021 3:43 pm

blondie: smiles beatifically
me: NOBODY LIKES YOU!!!!!!! #&*$%&$*#&!!!!!! (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    jian June 26, 2021 7:43 pm


Ccirce August 15, 2020 4:20 pm

The happy ending everyone else in that shitty family achieved --unbothered uncle moving on (to find other omega children to rape, probably) and alpha sister back as head (just like everyone wanted)-- it trumped any kind of satisfaction from the main CP's getting together. Which was a mediocre deus ex machina, tbh. I'd much rather fisticuffs than a fated revelation. Uke should have bitten his dick off tbw.

So, after all that, that sexist, pedosadist, rapist piece of shit gets to merrily walk off and even make shitty jokes, and the heartless older sister whose running off was the cataclyst to everythng is back after uke had to go through all that bc of her egotistical ass? Like she couldn't have sent "I'll be back" in a postcard or sth? Like all of this could not have been avoided? I am disgusted. I want a necklace made of the first's guts and his dick thrown to the dogs while he watches. And I want every last one of uke's suppsed family to fall into ruin --and yes, the mother, too. Even after the uke provoked her so, she has no excuse. He was a CHILD, and any reaction to such a traumatic event couldn't have been trusted. But nurture over nature must've been a concept too wild for that whole shitty lineage. It should just go to the garbage, then. That's only fair.

And the way it was executed, too. I really don't get the author. This ending felt like a lukewarm acceptance of the crimes this manga seemed to be trying to condemn at first. Like, oh well, that happened. But it's not gonna happen anymore, so there! Everything's fixed! The FUCK it is.

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