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lunanescente's experience ( All 0 )

lunanescente's answer ( All 2 )

Hello hello, I'm 16 as well and quarantine is not good for my lonely ass. I also love art and manga, and a lot of my friends hate anime so I gotchu. My tag is Lunanescente#0875, I'd love to talk sometime! (▰˘◡˘▰)   reply
21 11,2020
I'm awkward too lmao but absolutely yes to all of that. My Discord is Lunanescente#0875, I sent a request, I think.   reply
21 11,2020

lunanescente's question ( All 1 )

21 11,2020
Lol I want online friends so bad. I'd love to talk to anyone, about literally anything. But nothing that's inappropriate please, I'm 16 and I ain't into that shit. I'll leave a little info about me and you can too if you want. <3
Preferred name: Lily/Nari/Belle
Pronouns: She/they
Age (if comfortable sharing): 16
What manga you like: I love Snail Pond Robber and Sasaki to Miyano a lot right now.
Anything else: Feel free to talk to me, I love to talk and help people a lot. I'm a witch, bi, and a ChristoPagan myself and I'll be friends with just about anyone.
21 11,2020

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