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I enjoy reading this esp since the mother is still alive, there are no other abusive adults yet except wilhelm and other npcs lol and isabelle is so cuteeee!

Also, it's just so funny how our MC always keep on repeating that being a Bilotian, their growth is abnormally fast and yet there are some ppl who couldn't get why can she speak when she's one year old wdym she also mentioned in her 5th birthday that she's like an 8 year old kid which means being 1 ywar old Bilotian is like 3 years old kid. It's so hilariously interesting how they interpret words

So yeah, good story so far and waiting for more chaps ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

The chaos around Maythan is so hilarious Well, I'll be waiting for s3!! I'm so seated for another season of chaos circling our Maythan lmfaoo and I hope we'll also get communication bet them right lolol have mercy on maythan's stress level

Saw some comments here about Akira and Hina as the endgame and I still feel disappointed about it. The interactions Akira had with targets will all go to waste if in the end he'll just go with Hina without a good build up of their relationship

I just lovee love love kaede and akira & natsuhi and akira interaction!!! Kaede is the prettiest, cutest yet deadlyy. He's just so fierce and ready to fight for Akira!! On the other hand, natsuhi's so charming, he's in denial still but I can feel him caring so much for Akira. He always look out for him even though he's only thinking it's for his bro but nooo, he's genuinely concerned to him! I love these two the most and I'm still hoping that we get to have different ending from the novel

Long live, gays and lesbians ( ◜‿◝ )♡

Zerooo's crying huhuhu his dejected and heartbroken look aww ehueheuehdu i hope we get to see zero happy in the end

nqrse's created a topic of Take Off (Jui)

Andrew is such a green flag. He's a cutie and I feel the same with Nathan that I wanna gobble him so bad. HE'S SO CUTE I LUV HIM Tho his pp has uncute size LOL

nqrse's created a topic of Beatrice

Aww, I'm kinda bummed out that they rushed this one. But still satisfied reading this. I felt it during the ceremony march that the plot is getting lost halfway through it so I wasn't that surprised with the rush of everything after that march lol.

But it's kinda funny how a random baby appeared KSKSKS but it's cute thooo

nqrse's created a topic of Yotsubato!

I love yotsuba so much pls give me more

Now this is just fun to read,, good to read when bored and wanted a quick paced smut manga

just turn off ur mind to enjoy the smut

I'm just glad that u guys are aware of how bad the characters are but don't get too riled up. It's obvious this manga's someone's fantasy, with all those fetishes thrown in lol. Saw one comment listing them too. Also, somehow this is like PWP on how absurd the plot goes

Plus very cliche settings the push and pull type HDJEJWJW oh god

He's such a goofy ass madman lmfaaoo i really love it when he riled up someone intentionally or unintentionally

nqrse's created a topic of Define The Relationship

Well, we can't change a person overnight and it's only been a while since he started to change. Imagine he's been so socially inept since childhood and they're around thirties now it's only natural to relapse for a few here n there. But I love that Ash's there beside Lyle and we trust that they can work things together

Also, wtf Ash is so prettyy, his eyes are gorgeous. Srsly, I didn't expect him to be the top coz he's so beautiful in the cover but I couldn't careless when I saw Lyle anyway. LYLE IS SO SEXY HE'S THE BEST HES SO CUTE AND ADORABLE I LOVE HIM.


It's kinda funny to see ppl wanting nono to be the seme loool Before, everytime I see a seme-like chara turns to be the uke, I always see ppl loving it, bcs they're cute and inlove anyways. But now lol, u guys probably haven't read any with buffed ukes and all maybe try that and you'll change ur mind

Anyways, I'm glad I got to read this. It's such a good read, they're so adorbs and very sweetheart

The art's so good, Jun's so hot and Ayumu's the cuteeest!!! I wanna pet and hug Ayu, he's really like a bunnyyy i luv him!! Waiting for season 2 to finish (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

nqrse's created a topic of Kouguu no Omega


ps. hopefully we get to see their children or atleast pregnancy

U know if we will understand shaia's situation, I can't say he became an 'evil brat' and I admit I was a lil disappointed on his actions before. But after knowing that the reason old fart chose beryl for him is bcs he want shaia to take the poly route and is taking advantage of beryl's attachment to his dead mate, I am just so mad and feels sad for shaia. He's being a troll to beryl because he's hurt and maybe lonely.

He wants to keep the peace in his family, he gave up his love for theo(?), he wants his theo and brother to have an uninterrupted love. He must be very sad knowing everyone around him has love they chose for themselves. His parents, grandparents, uncle and his brother. And now he has to follow this old fart's decision in order to properly inherit and manage their family business. It feels very unfair for him ╥﹏╥

I can't explain more of the details but I read a comment below rationalizing shaia's actions. Go read that and maybe, we also have the same opinion.

nqrse's created a topic of Koitomo Triangle

Came back again to read this and I feel the same when I first read the 3p story. It's so obv that sakai loves kitada yet he's the 'sex friend' whyyyy he deserves betterr