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justLol_56 February 15, 2024 12:57 am

Or kill everyone. Like let's think about this even if the Mc were to escape the psychopath would make his life a living hell. and probably threatening him from telling the police.

justLol_56 February 9, 2024 12:23 am

But he did rape Jin… unless Jin consented due to the fact he knew he was on drugs

    Heu77 February 9, 2024 5:23 am

    Thank you! It is rape but he isn’t a rapist. He didn’t want to commit rape, you can see he’s not in right mind and was affected severely by the hard drugs. People underestimate the dangerous alteration effects of certain drugs.

    Kadara February 13, 2024 8:08 pm
    Thank you! It is rape but he isn’t a rapist. He didn’t want to commit rape, you can see he’s not in right mind and was affected severely by the hard drugs. People underestimate the dangerous alteration ef... Heu77

    But we all know if Jin didn’t want it, he could easily stop Matthew despite his injury

    Lilbuddy February 16, 2024 1:58 am
    But we all know if Jin didn’t want it, he could easily stop Matthew despite his injury Kadara

    bro what are u saying?

justLol_56 February 4, 2024 2:31 pm

YUPPP set him straight PERIOD

justLol_56 January 20, 2024 10:46 pm


justLol_56 January 18, 2024 10:38 pm

But still doesn’t justify his actions

justLol_56 January 11, 2024 12:42 am

She did that one thing or whatever

justLol_56 January 11, 2024 12:38 am

I’ll take him give me soohwa

justLol_56 January 8, 2024 4:52 am


justLol_56 January 7, 2024 8:47 pm

This dude is so desperate LMAOOO. This is how all BL uke’s need to be like

justLol_56 January 7, 2024 8:40 pm

How y'all getting more mad at a person cheating for a good reason than BL characters who rape or cheat on people for fun...

    Miza January 7, 2024 10:46 pm

    Yeah, cheating is really triggering for a lot of ppl in here. It's probably because that's something many actually have real life experience with, either personally or through someone they know

    Gomi January 8, 2024 4:45 am

    Cheating for a good reason? Cheating will NEVER be good. It is a sin, whichever the reason is, it is utterly disgusting and vile. The emotional trauma and distrust it will bring the person who was cheated on is not worth whatever "good reason" you say.

    I ducking bet even the mom would rather die than find out that his son is doing whatever he's doing for a "good reason" because he's hurting so many people including himself with the way he's handling the situation.

    justLol_56 January 8, 2024 4:48 am
    Cheating for a good reason? Cheating will NEVER be good. It is a sin, whichever the reason is, it is utterly disgusting and vile. The emotional trauma and distrust it will bring the person who was cheated on is... Gomi

    ITS HIS MOM LMAOOOOOOO. Even though the mom might not like it the son will still feel guilty that he could have saved her but decided not to. There no winning side

    Gomi January 8, 2024 4:54 am
    ITS HIS MOM LMAOOOOOOO. Even though the mom might not like it the son will still feel guilty that he could have saved her but decided not to. There no winning side justLol_56

    Yeah it's his mom, L-M-A-O. There's no winning side. Desperate times calls for desperate measures, bla bla bla. But the way you worded it out isn't it, justLol_56.

    Comparing him to other characters who cheat in a way that you think is slightly worse, and it magically makes him better cuz it's for good reaaaaally isn't worth lmao-ing

    justLol_56 January 8, 2024 4:57 am

    It is a good reason...

    justLol_56 January 8, 2024 4:57 am
    Yeah it's his mom, L-M-A-O. There's no winning side. Desperate times calls for desperate measures, bla bla bla. But the way you worded it out isn't it, justLol_56. Comparing him to other characters who cheat in... Gomi

    It is a good reason

    Heu77 January 8, 2024 10:28 am
    ITS HIS MOM LMAOOOOOOO. Even though the mom might not like it the son will still feel guilty that he could have saved her but decided not to. There no winning side justLol_56

    Doesn’t justify cheating. He could’ve told Jungwon beforehand and he’s cheated even before this treatment situation by seeing that woman outside of work (iirc). And he could’ve broken up with Jungwon beforehand. None of this was communicated to Jungwon, his partner.

    Heu77 January 8, 2024 11:02 am
    It is a good reason justLol_56

    And you’re right, no winning side. This shit an icky situation. I feel bad for Myunghwa and also mixed feelings about his communication towards Jungwon who doesn’t know. Sigh

    Gomi January 8, 2024 1:14 pm
    It is a good reason justLol_56

    And people can still be mad because he HANDLED IT SOOOOOOOOOO WRONG! Get it? He did it for his mom, we get it! We all love our moms, we'll do anything for them! Even if they hate us for it, then so be it!

    Still doesn't make him a saint compared to people who cheat or rape for fun. People are mad because he could've gone a different path than letting his boyfriend see the act, not communicating with him like a sane person would, and invalidating his feelings, breaking up AFTER the damage was done when he could've done it in the past but he's a coward and I pity him for such a miserable life.

    I pity his mom who doesn't know that his son is in such shambles for her sake. His mom would be very heartbroken.

    People WILL be mad at cheating "good reason" or not! Because cheating is a choice. Whether you do it for good, you still did it. Easy to understand.

    Gomi January 8, 2024 1:17 pm
    Doesn’t justify cheating. He could’ve told Jungwon beforehand and he’s cheated even before this treatment situation by seeing that woman outside of work (iirc). And he could’ve broken up with Jungwon be... Heu77

    RIGHT????!!! Jungwon so strong cuz if I were him I wouldn't have just vomited 'n ran, I'd kill myself infront of them thaz my maaaaaan bruh *sobs*

    Heu77 January 8, 2024 1:18 pm
    And people can still be mad because he HANDLED IT SOOOOOOOOOO WRONG! Get it? He did it for his mom, we get it! We all love our moms, we'll do anything for them! Even if they hate us for it, then so be it!Still ... Gomi

    And what’s annoying is that MYUNGHWA cheated even before this money situation came up. He and Jungwon agreed to stay exclusive, as stated already in the story, and Myunghwa met the lady again outside of work I believe/iirc. Anyways cheating will never be justified unless your partner is abusive, neglectful for no reason.

    Heu77 January 8, 2024 1:19 pm
    RIGHT????!!! Jungwon so strong cuz if I were him I wouldn't have just vomited 'n ran, I'd kill myself infront of them thaz my maaaaaan bruh *sobs* Gomi

    Bruh I would’ve smacked that lady at least and ran off lmaoo. Myunghwa ain’t worth all that, don’t risk being jailed for a man who clearly ain’t worth it. He cheated even before this happened. I feel for Jungwon.

    Gomi January 8, 2024 1:26 pm
    And what’s annoying is that MYUNGHWA cheated even before this money situation came up. He and Jungwon agreed to stay exclusive, as stated already in the story, and Myunghwa met the lady again outside of work ... Heu77

    MAN THAZ WHY I'VE NEVER LIKED MYUNGHWA. Sure he's pitiful, but he's a cheater. I hate cheaters, a lot of people hate cheaters. Cheaters can rot in hell or sumthn'.

    I personally think cheating will NEVER be justified. If your partner is abusive, you should know that you deserve all the respect and love, so seek help from your loved ones and experts. Find love when you're emotionally ready and at peace.

    If your partner is neglectful... I've read a GL manga about that and it sucked. Break up! If you love yourself enough that you can handle emotional or physical intimacy with another besides your partner, then you don't really love your partner as much as you love yourself.

    Cheating is bad, and is never healthy. ^^ atleast that's what I think. Sorry if I seem harsh or rude about this topic, but I have personal reasons as to why I'm rlly vocal about it lol.

    Gomi January 8, 2024 1:33 pm
    Bruh I would’ve smacked that lady at least and ran off lmaoo. Myunghwa ain’t worth all that, don’t risk being jailed for a man who clearly ain’t worth it. He cheated even before this happened. I feel fo... Heu77

    YES I MEAN I'D KILL MYSELF LMAO. I getchu wid that smack 'n I applaud u girl/bro but I'm a pussy who can't even kill ants cuz they cute so
    worst case scenario = jump off a building infront of them
    best case scenario = give them the middle finger, say "You both ain't worth my time" then walk away sassily then run when they can't see me 'n then cry in my room.

    Miza January 8, 2024 8:31 pm

    Yeah you just made your point, op

    justLol_56 January 9, 2024 4:19 am
    And people can still be mad because he HANDLED IT SOOOOOOOOOO WRONG! Get it? He did it for his mom, we get it! We all love our moms, we'll do anything for them! Even if they hate us for it, then so be it!Still ... Gomi

    There was no different path… exactly what was the different path

    justLol_56 January 9, 2024 4:22 am
    RIGHT????!!! Jungwon so strong cuz if I were him I wouldn't have just vomited 'n ran, I'd kill myself infront of them thaz my maaaaaan bruh *sobs* Gomi

    He could told him but either way, he was gonna watch him. Because that’s what the lady wants And yes he’s strong but that’s still gonna make him feel uneasy although it was for a reason.

    Heu77 January 9, 2024 4:23 am
    There was no different path… exactly what was the different path justLol_56

    Communicating to your partner and breaking the relationship off so neither of them gets hurt. and he can go suck the pushy for the money. It’s an icky situation, neither of them deserve this but Myunghwa had no choice really, he needed the money so I understand, I’d do the same and then divorce that crazy bitch.

    justLol_56 January 9, 2024 4:25 am
    Communicating to your partner and breaking the relationship off so neither of them gets hurt. and he can go suck the pushy for the money. It’s an icky situation, neither of them deserve this but Myunghwa had ... Heu77

    That’s exactly why they broke up after. Even if they broke up before it's still gonna scar him. Also he probably didn't want him to know about the family situation. Unless he did idk I forgot what happened with them

    justLol_56 January 9, 2024 4:28 am
    Communicating to your partner and breaking the relationship off so neither of them gets hurt. and he can go suck the pushy for the money. It’s an icky situation, neither of them deserve this but Myunghwa had ... Heu77

    "Make him think you love him, take his money, then you dip on niggas"

    Heu77 January 9, 2024 4:31 am
    That’s exactly why they broke up after. Even if they broke up before it's still gonna scar him. Also he probably didn't want him to know about the family situation. Unless he did idk I forgot what happened wi... justLol_56

    No I mean he should’ve broke it off BEFORE the cheating (again). Both of them agreed to be exclusive just so you remember, and they dated before chapter 1 even started, not sure how they started dating though, never mentioned I think.

    Even if Myunghwa wanted to not tell about his situation, he could’ve just said “let’s break up, I have personal reasons.”

    They both agreed to be exclusive and he was seeing the lady in secret outside of work too, that’s cheating on his bf Jungwon who knew nothing. They are breaking trust. The least Myunghwa could do is tell him and break it off BEFORE.

    Nah bruh I saw the other chapter in raws and seeing the nasty scene made me feel bad for Myunghwa to be drenched in pee and Jungwon vomiting and leaving.

    Heu77 January 9, 2024 4:33 am
    "Make him think you love him, take his money, then you dip on niggas" justLol_56

    LMAO fr. And then go get back your mans but I’d feel bad and probably get therapy considering what Myunghwa went through. I’m sure Jungwon is also hurt so he might not accept him back right away, that’s fine. It’ll take some time to heal and accept, I think he’d understand when one day Myunghwa opens up about his situation and why he did what he did.

    I personally would understand if my bf told me beforehand, I’d be hurt still but I can heal. I’m a former sex worker and oh the shit they go through is just mix of hell and heaven (cause money daily).

    Gomi January 9, 2024 5:59 am
    There was no different path… exactly what was the different path justLol_56

    be fr now you only read what you wanna read. You made your point and we made ours. Still, it's OKKKKKAY LIKE PERFECTLY A-O-Ducking-Kay for people to be mad at him cuz HE'S a cheater from the very beginning.

    Gomi January 9, 2024 6:04 am
    That’s exactly why they broke up after. Even if they broke up before it's still gonna scar him. Also he probably didn't want him to know about the family situation. Unless he did idk I forgot what happened wi... justLol_56

    Yeah it's STILL gonna scar him but atleast he wasn't put into a situation where he literally has to watch his boyfriend eat a lady's pussy and get peed on, IF ONLY they communicated from the very beginning. Even if he didn't want Jungwon to know about his family situation, he didn't deserve what happened to him, and IDEK BUT, DID JUNGWON KNOW THAT HE'S BEEN CHEATING ON HIM FROM THE VERY BEGINNING EVEN BEFORE THE MONEY SITUATION???? ?????

    Still, what happened... happened, the only thing I can wish for is that Myunghwa and Jungwon doesn't get back together, and Myunghwa's mum gets better. 'n the lady gets her karma. But that's kind of a wistful thinking of me cuz they'll obv end up tgt again in the side stories or sum shiz

    Gomi January 9, 2024 6:04 am
    "Make him think you love him, take his money, then you dip on niggas" justLol_56

    LMFAO take all that money to get therapy too

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