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helvetica asked a question

Does anybody remember this reincarnation manhwa where the main character reincarnated into this girl with pink hair? She basically married the ml as a child and they grew up together before ml had to go off to war at some point in the story. The ml had black hair and the second male lead might’ve been his brother with blonde hair I think(idk if he was second ml lol) there was also later on a blue haired girl that was really cool/independent that the mc befriends I think.

It was created around the start of the whole reincarnation manhwa craze and the art was good! I remember reading the first part on another app but I forgot the name of it now haha

I remember in the first chapter or so, ml and mc were basically locked inside of their bedroom after they got “married” and mc was basically like “wtf are they expecting children to be doing?!” Or something like that lol

I think mc might’ve been reincarnated as the villainess and ml was the mc of like a novel where he becomes a hero after hardships or something like that, but this time mc tries to help him so he falls in love with her lol.