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helvetica asked a question

Does anybody remember this manhwa where mc is transmigrated and stuff. The ml is this information guy and he has a disguise on when he meets her. He’s actually this super handsome other guy that mc avoids. The ml likes how mc also loves money and they scheme like a whole subscription program for magic circles or something so they can get money out of people XD anyway, there’s also a scene where mc goes to a ball with the ml(undisguised) and she gives him this pink diamond and he goes wearing all pink and ends up becoming like the main attraction basically(cause pink was like a big deal to them or something and it was usually a girl who was seen as that) (cause mc knew she couldn’t compete with the original fl, who has like pink hair and stuff)

The original fl is also a bitch that pretended to fall when she met mc for the first time so this guy original mc liked would attack her