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Hanam's feed

The weird discolorations on pages and overlapped boxes, the unnatural and unnecessary slangs tossed in, the way some of the sentences aren’t even translated correctly…I know translating is a time-consuming task and scanlation teams are working hard enough as of late, but I’d rather take the time myself to translate each panel painstakingly than watch this bullshit keep happening. Even if this is an illegal pirating site, if you wanna commit to the crime then do it properly. I don’t want to be reading a half-assed robot translated manga someone uploaded if I’m already doing it illegally. I can do that myself with raws. Thanks to the one “doing their part to keep this fandom up to date”, but we’d rather not read this headache-inducing piece of work, please and thank you again. I apologize if my accusations are wrong; feel free to bash me in public or private.