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Knight August 11, 2014 12:55 pm

It's perfectly storyline makes it interesting and the yaoi/shounen-ai doesn't feel so random like in other supernatural/fantasy yaois where they randomly decide to bang the hell out of each other. I really look forward to any other updates and go Touya x Amano.

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Knight October 19, 2014 11:19 am

Unfortunately it is not a yaoi but to those who are interested in KPop and the whatnot, here's the link to it. It's still updating, and I've only started today but it mainly goes along my original story with some cameos here and there. Thanks guys. I'm also on my phone so linking is hard.

Knight August 24, 2014 10:47 am

I've picked up the popular ones like StarFighter, Behind the Obsidian Mirror, Purpurea Noxa and TeaHouse but I was wondering if anyone else knows any other good ones. Thanks in advance. And I also recommend StarFighter. Definitely one of my favourites - smutty, interesting and some real action (not as in sex action )

    Knight August 24, 2014 1:53 pm

    Really? No one reads yaoi webcomics?

    Ju-on August 24, 2014 2:50 pm
    Really? No one reads yaoi webcomics? Knight

    I considered reading StarFighter a long time ago, but truth be told, I was put off by the art and sudden "yer my bitch" thing. The others you commented have awesome art, so I'll possibly try. I read one more than five years ago, but don't remember the name. It was something about an incubus who travelled in time, met a prince, they had sex, then someone that knew the prince found him and they also had sex... anyway it wasn't fancy and colorful like these. I just can't stand comics that are updated per page. I know artists have a hard time, but I'd rather wait for a chapter uu

    Yaoi Webcomics remind me of Humplex's Keric's Complex, though it's a game.

    Ju-on August 24, 2014 3:02 pm

    Ah, yeah. Incubus tales. That was the one :3

    Wild Flower Allure August 24, 2014 7:59 pm

    I use to read startfighter but the build-up of the story is just really slow. Plus, the long wait of one per page makes it really hard for the story to develop. All of that together made me lose connection with the characters and the story itself. Yet, I still read the story whenever I could because I really loved the art, but the day I stopped reading the story is when Abel and Cain switched positions. I just don't get aroused with versatile stories.
    TeaHouse is really good. It has a great progression -- every page has a new development. As much as I like the characters from TeaHouse, I just love Xanthe and Linneus the most, their story is dramatic with hot sexual tension.
    I don't know if you have heard, but there is a webcomic called "Always Raining Here" by Hazel and Bell. I really love the story. Its a feel-good coming of age story.

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